組圖:加泰百萬民眾舉行大遊行 支持統一

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「今天加泰羅尼亞人的沉默大多數回到了街頭。這再次顯示,大多數加泰人對於加泰羅尼亞地區、西班牙和歐洲所感受的尊嚴和尊敬。」加泰主要反對黨公民黨領袖阿拉瑪達斯(Ines Arramadas)參加遊行時對媒體表示,大部分加泰羅尼亞人希望「重新尋回未來」。

西班牙中央政府成員和主要統派政黨都加入遊行,其口號是「我們都是加泰羅尼亞。為共存達成共識!」示威者展示西班牙國旗,呼喊「讓普伊格蒙特進監獄」以及「西班牙萬歲」等口號。普伊格蒙特(Carles Puigdemont)是加泰自治政府主席,被視為獨立公投的主要推動者。

發起遊行的草根組織「加泰羅尼亞公民社會」(Societat Civil Catala)稱,遊行目的是維護西班牙統一,反對「民主史上空前的一次攻擊」。「大部分加泰羅尼亞人不再保持沉默,也不願意繼續被消聲」。

BARCELONA, SPAIN - OCTOBER 29: Protesters wave Spanish flags and carry banners during a pro-unity demonstration on October 29, 2017 in Barcelona, Spain. Thousands of pro-unity protesters gather in Barcelona, two days after the Catalan Parliament voted to split from Spain. The Spanish government has responded by imposing direct rule and dissolving the Catalan parliament. (Photo by Jack Taylor/Getty Images)
10月29日週日,巴塞羅那民眾舉行聲勢浩大的遊行示威,支持國家統一。(Jack Taylor/Getty Images)
BARCELONA, SPAIN - OCTOBER 29: Protesters gather during a pro-unity demonstration on October 29, 2017 in Barcelona, Spain. Thousands of pro-unity protesters gather in Barcelona, two days after the Catalan Parliament voted to split from Spain. The Spanish government has responded by imposing direct rule and dissolving the Catalan parliament. (Photo by Jack Taylor/Getty Images)
10月29日週日,巴塞羅那民眾舉行聲勢浩大的遊行示威,支持國家統一。(Jack Taylor/Getty Images)

「在我生活的地方,帶著西班牙國旗根本沒法出門了,」來自赫羅納(Girona)的19歲大學生瑪麗亞·費爾南德茲(Marina Fernandez)對法新社表示。「他們對於我祖輩們建設的國家所做的事情讓我非常氣憤。」




BARCELONA, SPAIN - OCTOBER 29: Protesters wave Spanish flags during a pro-unity demonstration on October 29, 2017 in Barcelona, Spain. Thousands of pro-unity protesters gather in Barcelona, two days after the Catalan Parliament voted to split from Spain. The Spanish government has responded by imposing direct rule and dissolving the Catalan parliament. (Photo by Jack Taylor/Getty Images)
10月29日週日,巴塞羅那民眾舉行聲勢浩大的遊行示威,支持國家統一。(Jack Taylor/Getty Images)
BARCELONA, SPAIN - OCTOBER 29: Protesters wave Spanish flags during a pro-unity demonstration on October 29, 2017 in Barcelona, Spain. Thousands of pro-unity protesters gather in Barcelona, two days after the Catalan Parliament voted to split from Spain. The Spanish government has responded by imposing direct rule and dissolving the Catalan parliament. (Photo by Jack Taylor/Getty Images)
10月29日週日,巴塞羅那民眾舉行聲勢浩大的遊行示威,支持國家統一。(Jack Taylor/Getty Images)

週六,「獨派大佬」 普伊格蒙特仍然發表公開講話。他在公開的視頻講話中批評西班牙中央政府,「只有議會才能決定議會主席的去留」,「我們將繼續一如既往堅持獨立態度。只有如此我們才能成功。」


BARCELONA, SPAIN - OCTOBER 29: Thousands of pro-unity protesters gather in Barcelona, two days after the Catalan parliament voted to split from Spainon October 29, 2017 in Barcelona, Spain. The Spanish government has responded by imposing direct rule and dissolving the Catalan parliament. (Photo by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images)
10月29日週日,巴塞羅那民眾舉行聲勢浩大的遊行示威,支持國家統一。(Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images)
People hold Spanish and EU flags during a pro-unity demonstration in Barcelona on October 29, 2017. Pro-unity protesters were to gather in Catalonia's capital Barcelona, two days after lawmakers voted to split the wealthy region from Spain, plunging the country into an unprecedented political crisis. / AFP PHOTO / LLUIS GENE (Photo credit should read LLUIS GENE/AFP/Getty Images)
10月29日週日,巴塞羅那民眾舉行聲勢浩大的遊行示威,支持國家統一。(LLUIS GENE/AFP/Getty Images)




BARCELONA, SPAIN - OCTOBER 29: Thousands of pro-unity protesters gather in Barcelona, two days after the Catalan parliament voted to split from Spain on October 29, 2017 in Barcelona, Spain.The Spanish government has responded by imposing direct rule and dissolving the Catalan parliament. (Photo by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images)
10月29日週日,巴塞羅那民眾舉行聲勢浩大的遊行示威,支持國家統一。(Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images)
BARCELONA, SPAIN - OCTOBER 29: Thousands of pro-unity protesters gather in Barcelona, two days after the Catalan parliament voted to split from Spain on October 29, 2017 in Barcelona, Spain.The Spanish government has responded by imposing direct rule and dissolving the Catalan parliament. (Photo by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images)
10月29日週日,巴塞羅那民眾舉行聲勢浩大的遊行示威,支持國家統一。(Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images)




A protester holds a sign reading "Now yes, yes, we will vote for real" amid a wave of Spanish flags during a pro-unity demonstration in Barcelona on October 29, 2017. Pro-unity protesters were to gather in Catalonia's capital Barcelona, two days after lawmakers voted to split the wealthy region from Spain, plunging the country into an unprecedented political crisis. / AFP PHOTO / LLUIS GENE (Photo credit should read LLUIS GENE/AFP/Getty Images)
10月29日週日,巴塞羅那民眾舉行聲勢浩大的遊行示威,支持國家統一。( LLUIS GENE/AFP/Getty Images)
Protesters wave Spanish flags and hold balloons bearing a heart-shaped collage of the Spanish, Catalan Senyera and EU flags during a pro-unity demonstration in Barcelona on October 29, 2017. Pro-unity protesters were to gather in Catalonia's capital Barcelona, two days after lawmakers voted to split the wealthy region from Spain, plunging the country into an unprecedented political crisis. / AFP PHOTO / LLUIS GENE (Photo credit should read LLUIS GENE/AFP/Getty Images)
10月29日週日,巴塞羅那民眾舉行聲勢浩大的遊行示威,支持國家統一。(LLUIS GENE/AFP/Getty Images)


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