





莫那什市長捷奧夫.萊克(Cr. Geoff Lake)


Chinese New Year Greeting From Monash Mayor Geoff Lake

One of the things I am extremely proud of as Mayor of Monash is our cultural diversity. We are proud to be home for many Chinese and Asian residents and look forward to our diversity growing more.

While we have celebrated the arrival of western New Year, the celebrations are just beginning to bring in the Chinese New Year.

As I understand it, New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day is a time of reunion and thanksgiving in Chinese culture and I encourage residents from all backgrounds to join in many activities taking place for Chinese New Year in the Monash area.

With such a high population on Asian-born people now calling Monash home, I think it speaks for itself that Monash is a municipality based on acceptance, tolerance and sharing while promoting cultural identity.

We have always embraced new residents and I am proud that more and more people are choosing to call Monash home.

I wish you all a very happy Chinese New Year.


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