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悉尼晨鋒報報導,傅瑩大使在8月30日接受澳大利亞雜誌“新聞簡報”〈Bulletin〉採訪時說:“澳洲批准陳用林保護簽證損害了澳洲在中國的形象。中國對澳洲的決定不高興。”傅大使的話有失大使風度。她不僅指責陳“說謊”,還譏諷郝“是滿懷怨恨的人”(a bitter man),並說“他以什麼身份離開(中國),我不知道。”

看到這篇報導,我不禁啞然失笑。傅大使絮絮叨叨,這個“滿懷怨恨”的樣子,倒真有點象癡情怨婦(a bitter woman)。不知採訪的時候,傅大使腦子裏在想什麼,這麼沒水平的話也說得出口。作為自由民主國家,澳洲有完善的法律,有反對黨和輿論監督,政府做出的任何決定都不可能只投某國政府所好,而罔顧本國法律和世界輿論。澳洲要是必須看中國政府的臉色行事,那麼澳洲就真的沒救了。按傅大使的意思,中國政府一不高興,澳洲人就嚇得顫抖。其實,傅大使英語不賴,但思維怎麼還是沒有開化,讓人不可思議。傅大使每多說一句都讓人證實陳用林先生說的是實話。大使館原來說郝先生的警官身份證是假的,現在又來一句不知道郝先生的身份!你當澳洲人都是小孩子,可以隨便騙倒!難怪澳洲人都說傅大使是“撒謊大使”。





Australia’s image slips over Chen visa

August 30, 2005 – 5:19PM

Australia’s decision to grant Chinese defector Chen Yonglin a protection visa has tarnished its image in China, ambassador Fu Ying says.

In her first public comments on the tense diplomatic issue, Madame Fu said that Australia’s decision was not viewed favourably by China.

Mr Chen, a former diplomat at China’s Consulate-General in Sydney, was granted a protection visa on July 8, six weeks after abandoning his post.

He claims there is a network of 1,000 informers for the Chinese government in Australia and that he feared persecution if he was forced to return to his home country.

Madame Fu told the Bulletin magazine Australia had been damaged by the episode because it gave Mr Chen protection even though people knew he was making claims for his personal gain.

“I don’t think it’s good, I don’t think it’s a plus,” she said.

“First it’s very bad for Australia’s image in China because even though ethnic Australian, Chinese Australian … all know he’s lying, all know he’s trying to pursue his personal gains, but you nevertheless gave him protection – so I don’t think it’s good for Australia’s image.

Madame Fu also cast doubts on the motivation of another Chinese defector, former police officer Hao Fengjun, who was granted a protection visa a month ago.

Mr Hao, 32, came to Australia in February this year under the guise of being part of a tour group, bringing with him several secret files that he had downloaded from a police computer.

He worked in China’s 610 Office where his job was to collate and analyse reports from operatives in Australia and other countries who were gathering information on Falun Gong practitioners.

Madame Fu described Mr Hao as bitter and raised questions about his identity.
“He was a bitter person,” she said “He probably felt bitter and he’s left (China) under what identity, I don’t know.”

Madame Fu would not confirm the existence of the 610 Office to the Bulletin, telling the magazine that people in China were too busy to spend time spying.
She also suggested there was little need to bother keeping an eye on Falun Gong.
“Falun Gong is (a) finished story, it’s over in China … it’s outlawed and it’s solved,” Madame Fu said.


投誠澳洲  陳用林指控北京下達暗殺令
唐子:中共太虛弱了  一個陳用林就懼怕成這樣