
--- 九評示明路﹐使困於共黨壓迫的人民走出迷宮﹐是引向民主的“地圖”

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【大紀元12月3日訊】(大紀元記者南希美國華府報導) 歷經兩年持續的聯繫與作業﹐大華府地區四大社團﹕寮國(老撾)民主社團﹐自由柬埔寨(高棉)社團﹐自由中國社團﹐及大華府越南社團﹐在2006年7月召開會議﹐討論共產主義在亞洲的罪行和在中國風起雲湧的退黨大潮。會議發表正式公報﹐並且宣佈成立大華府地區種族社團民主大聯盟 (Alliance for Democracy of Ethnic Communities﹐簡稱ADEC )﹐為大華府各種族社團之間尋找出共同合作與相互支持的方法﹐一同見證中共﹑越共﹑寮共﹑及柬共的解體﹐迎接一個沒有共產黨的新亞洲。

老撾(寮國)民主社團總秘書長Thong Chanh Boulom 近照 (攝影﹕南希/大紀元)

在訪談中﹐大華府地區種族社團民主大聯盟寮國主席﹑也是寮國(老撾)民主社團總秘書長托產布樓先生(Mr. Thong Chanh Boulom, General Secretary, United League for Democracy of Laos) 告訴記者說﹐他的國家在1950年起就被中國共產黨在後面支持的共產黨徒入侵及發展﹐但是當時寮國老百姓沒有認清共產主義的邪惡。直到1975年﹐寮國共產黨開始把幾乎所有善良的民眾﹕從國王﹑高官﹑知識份子﹑到平民百姓﹐統統都拘捕﹑關押起來。




遭受共產黨暴政統治的越南、老撾、柬埔寨等在美社團代表參加 “慶祝《九評》二週年及1500萬中國民眾退黨” 的華府公共集會。 (大紀元攝影記者麗莎)

以下是他在11月11日大華府退黨服務中心及大紀元時報華府分社在美國首都華盛頓國會反射湖前舉行 “慶祝九評問世二週年及1500萬中國民眾退黨” 的公共集會時的發言。(英文稿附在中文翻譯之後)



我的名字是托產布樓(Thong Chanh Boulom)﹐我是自由寮國民主聯盟的總秘書長(General Secretary, United League for Democracy of Laos)。謹代表本聯盟﹐以及聯盟的主席Bounthanh Rathigna先生﹐向你們主辦單位致謝﹐謝謝你們邀請我們參加你們的大集會。


我們再一次的聚集在這裡﹐見證以及唾棄所謂的“受愛載的領袖” 北京政府的野蠻慘虐﹐他們的罪行是數不清的以及無人性的。

最近對中國共產黨領導者殘忍野蠻有相同理念認識﹐居住在美國首都的自由中國社團﹐自由柬埔寨社團﹐自由寮國社團﹐和自由越南社團等自由運動的領袖們﹐基於對自由與公理正義的支持﹐宣佈成立了大華府地區種族社團民主大聯盟 (Alliance for Democracy of Ethnic Communities﹐ADEC )﹐



法在梵語是Sila, 或者是法律
輪在梵語是Samathiya, 或者是冥想
功在梵語是Panya, 或者是智慧








我們向那些退出共產黨的先生和女士們祝賀。你們是勇敢和有良知的﹗你們擁有中國人的善良本性﹐你們研讀並且跟隨“九評共產黨” ﹐這是一本正確通向民主的“地圖”。

感謝自由中國的學者專家們的研究和分析使“九評共產黨” 的書籍出版了。這本書指出了一條明路﹐使所有困在共產黨政府壓迫機器下的老百姓走出了迷宮。








(Speech on the Public Rally, November 11, 2006 in Washington D.C.)

Mr. President, Dear Friends, Dear Freedom Fighters.

My name is Thong Chanh Boulom, I am the General Secretary of the United League for Democracy in Laos.

On behalf of the United League for Democracy in Laos, and its President Mr. Bounthanh Rathigna, I would like to thank you, organizers Committee of this event, by inviting us to participate to this demonstration.

It is a great honor for us to be able to take this opportunity to express in front of you, of our concern of the oppression by the Chinese government to its own citizens, particularly to the Falun Gong members.

Once again, we assemble here to witness and denounce the barbarism of the so-called “Beloved Leaders” in Beijing. Their crimes are innumerable and inhuman.

Recently based on the concerning of the already stated barbarism of the leaders of China, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam and the aspiration to justice and freedom of our freedom movement leaders living abroad especially in U.S.A. and alliance named “Alliance of Ethnic Communities for Democracy” have been formed.

The alliance have a priority duty to unmask the ignoble act of governments of these above named countries, to alert international opinion and appeal to all loving justice and freedom people and its respective government in the world and request from them assistance to stop the violation of human rights, to stop the scoffing of basic rights of the people of China, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam.

As an ocular witness, we support Falun Gong members. We understand what these three words means and can be translated into the Pali, the official language of Buddhism as following:

Fa is equal to Sila or rule of law
Lun is equal to Samathiya or Meditation
Gong is equal to Panya or Wisdom

The more they practice, the wisdom came, consequently more members are awakened to their conscience. The Chinese Communist party which based on Marxism which is pure and simple, an antique in old fashioned theory which is Falling like dead leaves in autumn.

To the hospitals and personal who practice organs transplant in China, you should know that you are committing crimes, as assassination act, your operation tables are gallows, your surgery knives are pistols that you are illegal executioners, therefore you will pay for the consequences of your non-conscientiousness.

To the dealers reside in Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore and Vietnam who involved in this lucrative but repugnant affairs, you should know that you are on the way to hell. Because you create a hell of noise, you create a hell upon earth, you raise hell consequently and you bury yourself on hell.

The buyers of organs, to save your own lives, you kill the innocent people, therefore you are uncivilized, you are reducing yourself low to the animal rank.

To Mr. Shang Yuan, who, the pilot, spread nine commentaries, recently arrived and became a political asylum in the U.S.A. Thanks to the American people and their government, the suffered, weaken people protectors.

Mr. Shang Yuan, you personify the courage a right choice way of life. Let me award you by saying “Mr Shang Yuan, you are the ambassador of freedom.”

To Ms. Jia Jia, your extradition to Hong Kong by the government of Chen Shui Bian is not right, it is an act of cooperation with the tyrants, therefore it is an accomplice with dictators, meanwhile we support you, we will do whatever we can do to look for a safety place for you to reside.

We congratulate the men and women who resigned from the Communist Party. You are brave and conscientious, you are impregnated by Chinese intrinsic value and you are studying and following the Nine Commentaries, a right road map for democracy.

Thanks to the team of Free Chinese scholar who makes research and analysis of which let to the birth of the manual “The Nine Commentaries”. This manual shows the way of how to get out of a labyrinth of people trapped in the oppressed machine of all Communist governments.

The Chinese government in Beijing looks very strong and very good in the front facade but they are weak in their backyard. They use money of Chinese people to buy renown in every corner of the world but how long it will last–it is the same of “The Kettle calls for The Black Pot”.

We know Communist Party is falling into their trap, into their own theory which the state taking the countryside to encircle the cities known the popular discontent of the countryside have became unresolved, so the Communist Party day of China can be counted.

Dear Friends, we will not stop to struggle, we will continue our strategy of struggle based on the justice, freedom, to our people is connected and effective.

Please join me and say:

Long live justice, freedom, and democracy !

Down with Communism!

Thank you


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