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【大紀元7月22日訊】(大紀元記者南希華盛頓DC報導) 2007年7月20日上午10:00, 來自世界各地的兩千多位民眾聚集在美國首都的華盛頓紀念碑北廣場,聲援二千四百萬中國民眾退出中共。來自紐約、波士頓的幾十位華人在集會現場宣誓退出中共, 另有二十幾位大陸民眾通過現場直播集會的希望之聲國際廣播電台宣佈退出中共。集會後進行了聲援中國民眾退出中共遊行。

歐洲議會副主席愛德華.麥克米蘭-斯考特先生(Edward McMillan-Scott)特意自歐洲布魯塞爾針對2007年7月20日在華府華盛頓紀念碑舉行的“聲援二千四百萬民眾退出中共華盛頓國際集會” 發來聲援信 (大紀元圖片)

歐洲議會副主席愛德華.麥克米蘭-斯考特先生(Edward McMillan-Scott)致信聲援集會。以下是中文譯文全文及英文信。







First of all, I congratulate all of those who have today traveled from various parts of the world to Washington DC to show your support for this rally.

Today marks the 8th anniversary of the persecution of Falun Gong in China by the Chinese Communist regime. Up until now, millions of Falun Gong practitioners in
China have suffered terribly as a result of the regime’s brutal dictatorship, in addition to many Christians, Catholics, Tibetans and human rights defenders also. Sadly, the constant intimidation and harassment by public security personnel of human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng is to name but one.

Having committed such horrible crimes and embodying an evil that can only be considered unpardonable, the Chinese Communist Party is destined to collapse. The West should support the defense of Chinese people’s rights and freedoms and turn its back on the economic illusion being peddled by the CCP.

I support the 24 million brave Chinese who have quit the CCP and its affiliates and encourage more to do the same. We in the West are with the Chinese people and support any actions that will end this communist regime in a peaceful way. The West welcomes a new China that is without communism. This is a China that the Chinese people both long for and deserve.

I wish the rally every success.

Edward McMillan-Scott

歐洲議會副主席愛德華.麥克米蘭-斯考特先生(Edward McMillan-Scott)特意發來聲援信 (大紀元圖片)


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