
Souls Awakened
唐乙文 Yiwen Tang
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倆個看守圍住阿清不停的大罵她,她大哥在看守的逼迫下也不停的罵她,探視現場罵聲一片,像開批鬥會。一個看守拍桌子大罵阿清:「共產黨不許幹的事就不能幹!沒有共產黨,你有飯吃?!」 (中共一直以來對大陸人民宣傳說,是共產黨給了中國人飯吃,使中國人的生活好起來。)




















Human beings had fundamental human rights, such as schooling, working, and family love.

Among the Dafa practitioners in Chatou, there were quite a few post graduate students. The CCP forced them to renounce Dafa, otherwise they would be struck off the school roll they had acquired through over a decade’s hard work.

The other inmates could have visitation once a week.

But Dafa practitioners were not allowed to call our families; the family letters we were allowed to write once a month actually all ended up in the guards’ hand; our families were not allowed to visit us, unless the forced labor camp wanted to use them to pressure us, only then would a brief visit be allowed.

During the visit, a guard would sit beside us listening to every word we said.

I was in Chatou for nearly three years; during the time my husband was only allowed to visit me a few times, and those few times were all when the CCP wanted to use him to pressure me.

Once, Qing’s brother and my husband were arranged to visit us in a small visiting room.

Throughout the visit, two guards surrounded Qing swearing loud at her, and her brother scolded her loud as well under the guards’ pressure. The visiting room was filled with hysterical swearing voices. One of the guards struck the table with her fist, thundering at Qing, “Whatever the CCP doesn’t allow doing, you can’t do! Without the CCP, you have food to eat?!” (The CCP had always been propagandizing to mainland Chinese that, it was the CCP that had been giving food to Chinese people, that had been making the living of Chinese people become ever better.)

On the other side of the visiting room, my husband told me that the CCP had forbidden lawyers to accept any lawsuit from Dafa practitioners, and that we had no way to seek justice, but could just succumb to the CCP.

“I won’t succumb.”

“Doesn’t Falun Gong teach tolerance? Why not just tolerate it? For me, for our family.”

“The tolerance Dafa teaches does not mean cowardliness or resigning ourselves to adversity, nor does it mean indulging or yielding to evil. The tolerance Dafa teaches has broader and more wonderful inner meanings.”

The guard sitting beside us instantly started scolding me.

I ignored her, carrying on talking to my husband with a serene heart.

“I feel you care about your belief more than you care about me,” my husband said.

I held his hands and gazed deep into his eyes, “Honey, I do care about you. I do care about our marriage. But all of this shouldn’t be traded for by yielding to evil.”

“Don’t you want to go back to school and teach?”

“I do want to. I really want to. But I believe that a teacher must first set a good example with his own conduct, speak truthfully and adhere to Truth at all times. If I yielded to evil, I wouldn’t have the face to see my students even if I could get out of these walls.”

“I always thought you were a gentle, kindhearted little woman. Didn’t expect you to be so tough and persistent. Honestly, I’m not thinking as much as you are. I’m just thinking about making money and living a comfortable life.”

“Money can’t bring everything…”

At this moment, the Chatou chief and the Third Brigade chief went up and questioned us harshly, “How was your talk? Have you made up your mind to renounce Falun Gong?”

My husband shook his head, “There is nothing more I can do. I couldn’t convince her.”

The Chatou chief thundered instantly, “Then you two don’t need to talk anymore! Get out!”

I walked up to my husband and gave him a farewell hug.

The Third Brigade chief ruthlessly clutched my neck and wrenched me away from him.

The visit lasted only fifteen minutes.

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