
Souls Awakened
唐乙文 Yiwen Tang
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(被關押者背後叫看守們幹的「轟炸機」 )














每天幹完苦役、在沙丁魚般擁擠的大隊澡房裡洗個匆忙澡時,她們總是大聲吼叫:「你去死吧!——」 「你去死!——」 「我打死你!——」


我聽過很多被關押者說:「看守們幾乎全是魔鬼。」 「我們這些被關押的人比那些魔鬼好多了。我在勞教所只是變的越來越壞。」







An ordinary Chatou guard’s monthly salary was higher than that of most college professors. Where did their money come from?

Every day, all the inmates got up at 5: 45a.m., swiftly brushed their teeth, cleaned the cells, lined up, walked to the factory, and gulped down breakfast in the factory.

At 7:00a.m., a long day’s labor began.

In the polluted factory, the inmates were forced to make and process various products: artificial flowers, clothes, jeans, sweaters, bags, earrings, necklaces, Christmas cards, toys, badges…

Once, while we were packing large amounts of dinner-table-decorating rings, the merchant who brought the trade to Chatou and was supervising the job in the factory told us, “This will be exported to France and Germany.”

Once, while we were sewing patterns on mounds of jeans and sweaters, another merchant said, “These are for the Hong Kong market.”

During the labor, the guards kept scolding the inmates hysterically —

“Do faster! Do faster! You’re doing too slow, you lazybones! I’m looking at my watch, calculating how many pieces you can make in five minutes! You can’t go to bed tonight if you can’t finish today’s workload! No visitation if you can’t finish workload! Shut your mouths! No talking! Lower your heads and just labor!”

(The inmates called the guards “bombers” behind their backs.)

In the factory where was boiling hot in summer and as cold as an icehouse in winter, amidst the guards’ hysterical scolding, the inmates labored continually from early morning till ten, eleven, twelve at night, or even all night!

They were not allowed to have a rest even if they got sick.

An inmate sitting beside me once had a high temperature. Her cheeks were burning red! She threw up painfully! But she still had to labor!

The guards didn’t show any humanity!

In the First Brigade, a captain constantly tortured those inmates who couldn’t finish the heavy workload with a dangerous electric-shock club, and the brigade chief tortured them by making them labor in the open air — beneath the hottest sun at noon in summer, and at the glacial, bitterly windy deep night in winter.

Many inmates thus got sick.

With about twenty-two inmates being in a cramped cell, diseases spread overnight. More inmates got sick…

According to the law of mainland China, inmates in the forced labor camps enjoyed the right of leisure and education besides six hours of labor every day. Yet the reality in Chatou was: Every day’s labor time was at least triple the time the law stated!

The guards didn’t let the inmates read and made them go to bed upon a long day’s labor, so that they could continue laboring the next day.

No weekends at all.

Only labor, labor, labor…

In such a hellish environment, all the inmates, except Dafa practitioners, inevitably became more and more hysterical, violent, brutal, cunning, and desperate.

They fought frenziedly all the time, fighting their heads to bleeding for trifles.

Every day, while taking the hurried bath in the brigade’s crammed-like-sardines bathroom after a long day’s labor, they always howled loudly, “You go to hell! –”“I’ll beat you to death! –”“I want to die! –”

Such desperate howling could be heard every day.

I heard many inmates say, “Almost all the guards are devils. We inmates are much better than those devils. In here, we are just becoming ever worse.”

This hellish forced labor camp was making a large number of inmates harbor intense resentment for society and completely give up on themselves. They already made up their minds while they were in the forced labor camp: After getting out, I would take as much drugs as I like, traffic in more drugs, and do whatever it takes to make money.

Once, eight addicts were diagnosed with AIDS virus (One of them was my cellmate). Chatou instantly kicked them out without providing them any treatment.

The other inmates thus began chatting heatedly: If I was diagnosed with AIDS, what would I do? (Later, more addicts were diagnosed with AIDS while I was in Chatou.)

Their choices were horribly the same —

“I would sleep with a lot of men! Pass the virus on to them! I would take revenge on society!”


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