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North Korea Denounces South Korea


1. denounce: v. 谴责
2. traitor: n. 叛徒
3. unnamed: adj. 不具名的
4. spokesman: n. 发言人
5. bear in mind :ph. 牢记在心
6. dodge :v. 躲避
7. conspiratorial :adj. 密谋的
8. farce: n. 闹剧
9. charade: n. 做戏

North Korea has denounced South Korea’s President as a traitor and claimed his government fabricated evidence linking the North to the sinking of one of Seoul’s ships.

North Korea’s state-run television network quoted an unnamed defense ministry spokesman:

[KRT Newsreader, North Korea]:
“The group of traitors should receive the inspection group if it’s not hiding something. It should bear in mind that it can never dodge the responsibility for having staged the clumsy “conspiratorial farce” and “charade” against us.
[北韩KRT 新闻播报员]:

10. mounting :adj. 上升的
11. torpedo :v. 用鱼雷袭击
12. vessel:n. 轮船
13. a string of: ph. 一系列
14. measure: n. 措施
15. threaten to: ph. 威胁要…
16. activist :n. 行动主义者
17. propaganda: war 宣传战
18. backing: n. 支持; 帮助

The mounting tension follows last week’s report by international investigators which found North Korea responsible for the torpedoing of a South Korean navy vessel in March, which killed 46 sailors.

After the report, South Korean President Lee Myung-bak announced a string of measures to punish their neighbors, including banning trade with the north.

South Korea also said it would resume anti-Pyongyang loudspeaker broadcasts at the border, that had been suspended for 6 years.

The North quickly threatened to fire at the broadcasting equipment.

In downtown Seoul, a small group of conservative activists held a news conference to show their support for the government’s decision to start a propaganda war.

Japan and the United States have already expressed strong support for South Korea.
And the Whitehouse on Monday gave strong backing to South Korean plans to punish those responsible for the attack on its ship.

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