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在中国重庆和美国俄亥俄两地注册的“世界诗人”季刊,是一本以世界主要国家语文 印行的诗刊。本月8日出版的刊物中,该刊登载了一篇中英对照致诺贝尔文学奖评审委员会的推荐函。该函是由该研究中心的主席张智博士、天津师范大学教授张智中博士及宁波大学教授杨成虎博士共同具名推荐。推荐函推崇诗人许其正,“以一颗高洁 、悲悯而又勇于担当的诗心,写下了大量自然而不失厚重、朴实而不失深刻的极具生命力的优秀诗篇。诗人赞美乡土、田园、大自然,歌唱友情和爱情,呼唤世界和平,在山川草木的荣枯和时间的流逝中,呈现生命的疼痛与亮丽。同时,深入时代,直面 人生,对当下人类生存境况的日趋恶化、无望,以诗的形式,表达了诗人内心的愤懑、呐喊与抗议。”

诗人许其正,1939年生于屏东县,写作已超过50年,以新诗与散文为主,兼及诗歌翻译。五十余年来,他已出版了12本重要的诗集(其中5本为中英对照、2本为中希对照、1本为中蒙对照、1本为中英日对照)、8本散文集,以及2本翻译诗集。他的诗,曾先后被译成英文、日文、希腊文、斯拉夫-蒙古文、希伯来文、俄文、法文、罗马尼 亚文、葡萄牙文等多种外国文字,流布于世界各国,并荣获国内外多种文学奖,可以 说是一位享有国际性声誉的卓越诗人,该诗歌翻译研究中心遂予以推荐。




许其正博士是中国当代卓越的诗人、作家兼翻译家。1939年出生于台湾屏东县。他于1960年开始在台湾《联合报》副刊发表文学作品,以新诗与散文为主,兼及诗歌翻译。五十余年来,他已出版了12本重要的诗集(其中5本为中英对照、2本为中希对照、 1本为中蒙对照、1本为中英日对照)、8本散文集,以及2本翻译诗集。

杰出的诗人总会着力经营自己的艺术风格,并充分展示自己的艺术风格。在数十年的 文学创作生涯中,许其正博士以一颗高洁、悲悯而又勇于担当的诗心,写下了大量自 然而不失厚重、朴实而不失深刻的极具生命力的优秀诗篇。诗人赞美乡土、田园、大自然,歌唱友情和爱情,呼唤世界和平,在山川草木的荣枯和时间的流逝中,呈现生命的疼痛与亮丽。同时,深入时代,直面人生,对当下人类生存境况的日趋恶化、无 望,以诗的形式,表达了诗人内心的懑、呐喊与抗议。






国际诗歌翻译研究中心主席   张 智 博士

中国天津师范大学教授     张智中 博士

中国宁波大学教授       杨成虎 博士


Letter of Recommendation to the Appraisal Committee of Nobel Prize in Literature

Appraisal Committee of Nobel Prize in Literature,

We feel that it is our great honor to recommend to you Dr. Hsu Chicheng, who is from Taiwan,

Dr. Hsu Chicheng is a distinguished poet, writer, and translator in contemporary China; in 1939 he was born in Pingtung County, Taiwan, China. Since 1960 when Hsu published his maiden work in the supplement of The United Daily News of Taiwan, his literary creation includes writing of new poems and prose and poetry translation. In the past 50 years, he has published 12 collections of poetry (among which five are Chinese-English, two Chinese-Greek, one Chinese-Mongolian, and one Chinese-English-Japanese), 8 collections of prose pieces, and 2 collections of translated poems.

A distinguished poet carefully nurtures his artistic style, and tries to exhibit his artistic style. In decades of literary creation, Dr. Hsu Chicheng, by dint of his pure, lofty, compassionate, courageous heart, has produced a host of excellent pieces which are natural yet massive, simple yet profound, and full of life-force. The poet praises his native soil, pastoral life, and the great nature; he sings love and friendship; he calls for peace in the world; and in describing the flourishing and withering of hills and rills, trees and grasses, as well as the passage of time, he exhibits the pain and beauty of life. At the same time, Hsu is in step with the epoch and he faces up to human life as he penetrates the hopeless deterioration of human existence by expressing his inner rage, shout and protest in his poems.

Poems by Dr. Hsu Chicheng, we believe, are broad in vision, uncommon in imagination, rich in feeling, balanced in allocation of images, succinct and limpid in wording and phrasing, so much so that they are both rural and modern, quite Hellenic, and not without a breath of modernism and strong artistic appeal. His works have been translated into many languages, including English, Japanese, Greek, Slavic-Mongolian, Hebrew, Russian, French, Romanian, and Portuguese, to be shared by readers throughout the world, and he has won many literary honors and prizes. It is safe to say that Dr. Hsu Chicheng is an excellent poet of international fame.

Without any doubt, Dr. Hsu Chicheng has established his own system of value on the basis of his profound thought on human life and consummate artistic skills, which defines him as a poet of outstanding artistic achievement who, as a distinguished Chinese poet, merits our praise and deserves our further study.

Therefore, we do not hesitate to recommend Dr. Hsu Chicheng as candidate for the Nobel Prize in Literature. And we are honored to know that Dr. Hsu Chicheng now lives in New Taipei City, Taiwan, China, committing himself to reading and writing. Enclosed with the letter are two copies of Blossoming Blossoms of Poetry — Selected Poems of Hsu Chicheng (Chinese-English) for your reference.

At last, please give your consideration to award the great Nobel Prize in Literature to Dr. Hsu Chicheng, a distinguished poet in contemporary China.
With the most profound regards and respect!

Dr. Zhang Zhi (poet, critic, scholar),
President of International Poetry Translation and Research Center

Dr. Zhang Zhizhong (poet, translator, scholar),
Professor of English at Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin, P. R. China.

Dr. Yang Chenghu (poet, translator, scholar),
Professor of English at Ningbo University, Zhejiang Province, P. R. China.

October 18, 2013
