迎7年来最强风暴 加州洪水雪崩警告不断

人气 1809





当地官员警告说,山区的驾驶条件极为危险,可能影响克恩县(Kern County)境内5号高速公路内一处海拔高达1449英尺、名为Grapevine grade的社区。该地区的降雨可能会达到每小时1-1.5英寸的速度,可能会引发洪灾。

Misty clouds move through the desert near Lone Pine, California, January 8, 2017 as a series of strong storms moves into California. Californians braced for a series of major storms expected to hit the western state, bringing mudslides and power outages, but also much hoped-for relief from a six-year drought. Meteorologists said the storms, set to drench Northern California through part of next week, could be the heaviest in a decade. The stormy weather, described as a type of system called atmospheric rivers, come as the parched Golden State is experiencing its wettest winter in years. / AFP / DAVID MCNEW (Photo credit should read DAVID MCNEW/AFP/Getty Images)
2017年1月8日,一系列风暴袭击美国西部地区。暴风雨虽然缓解了加州的干旱,但也同时带来了泥石流和洪灾的危险。(DAVID MCNEW/AFP/Getty Images)

据水资源部(Department of Water Resources)称,到目前为止,加利福尼亚州正在步入为期6年的干旱之后最潮湿的年份。最近几个月的降雨均高于往年平均水平,且在1月份突然加剧。今年1月,从萨克拉门托河谷到洛杉矶盆地已经连续三个星期下雨,只有几天是晴天。


An overturned vehicle is seen on Highway 395 near Mammoth Lakes, California, January 9, 2017 as a series of strong storms moves through the western US state. / AFP / DAVID MCNEW (Photo credit should read DAVID MCNEW/AFP/Getty Images)
2017年1月9日,猛犸湖附近的395号高速公路上发生车祸,一辆轿车翻转停在路上。(DAVID MCNEW/AFP/Getty Images)
Snow continues to fall in Mammoth Lakes, California, January 9, 2017 as a series of strong storms moves through the western US state. / AFP / DAVID MCNEW (Photo credit should read DAVID MCNEW/AFP/Getty Images)
2017年1月9日,一系列强风暴雪袭击加州之后,猛犸湖地区(Mammoth Lakes)的积雪已经高达几尺厚。(DAVID MCNEW/AFP/Getty Images)
A raven hops along the tops of growing snow piles in Mammoth Lakes, California, January 9, 2017 as a series of strong storms moves through California. / AFP / DAVID MCNEW (Photo credit should read DAVID MCNEW/AFP/Getty Images)
2017年1月9日,一系列暴风雪袭击加州后,一只乌鸦飞旋在高高的积雪上。(DAVID MCNEW/AFP/Getty Images)




洛杉矶也曾是雾霾重灾区 又见天日靠什么?
暴风雪横扫美中西部再转东北 影响数百万人
连番暴雨暴雪 北加州率先脱旱