德州重大枪击 嫌犯身份确认 曾在空军服役

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【大纪元2017年11月06日讯】(大纪元记者吴英综合报导)周日(5日)上午,一名枪手走进德州威尔逊县萨瑟兰泉镇(Sutherland Springs)的教堂,向人群开火,造成至少26人死亡,二十多人受伤。警方证实,嫌犯是26岁的德文‧帕特里克‧凯利(Devin Patrick Kelle),作案动机不明。

CNN报导说,空军发言人Ann Stefanek表示,凯利曾在空军服役。从2010年开始在新墨西哥州的霍洛曼空军基地(Holloman Air Force Base),负责后勤准备。不过,空军没有提供他的退役时间及退役的具体情况。


威尔逊县警长泰奇特(Joe Tackitt)表示,嫌犯凯利来自德州新布朗费尔斯市(New Braunfels),在5日上午11点20分左右持枪向教堂内的人群扫射,随后驾车逃逸。多位目击者说,凯利身着黑衣,手持AR来福半自动步枪。

目击者Johnnie Langendorff告诉KSAT电视台,当时有一名男子向凯利开枪反击,凯利开车逃跑后,他和这名男子一起开车追了大约几分钟。泰奇特说,嫌犯及他的车子被发现停在瓜达卢佩县(Guadalupe County),当时嫌犯已死亡。目前是自杀身亡或是遭人击毙,仍不清楚。

德州州长艾伯特(Greg Abbott)表示,周日的枪击案是美国近代史上最严重的教堂枪击案,也是德州死伤最惨重的枪击案。

SUTHERLAND SPRINGS, TX - NOVEMBER 5: Law enforcement and forensic officials gather near the First Baptist Church following a shooting on November 5, 2017 in Sutherland Springs, Texas. At least 20 people were reportedly killed and 24 injured when a gunman, identified as Devin P. Kelley, 26, allegedly entered the church during a service and opened fire. (Photo by Erich Schlegel/Getty Images)
在枪击案现场的警察及急救人员。(Erich Schlegel/Getty Images)
SUTHERLAND SPRINGS, TX - NOVEMBER 5: Law enforcement officials gather near the First Baptist Church following a shooting on November 5, 2017 in Sutherland Springs, Texas. At least 20 people were reportedly killed and 24 injured when a gunman, identified as Devin P. Kelley, 26, allegedly entered the church during a service and opened fire. (Photo by Erich Schlegel/Getty Images)
在现场调查的警察。(Erich Schlegel/Getty Images)
Texas Governor Greg Abbott speaks at a press conference on November 5, 2017, in Sutherland Springs, Texas about the First Baptist Church mass shooting. "There are 26 lives that have been lost. We don't know if that number will rise or not, all we know is that's too many, and this will be a long, suffering mourning for those in pain," Abbott said. / AFP PHOTO / SUZANNE CORDEIRO (Photo credit should read SUZANNE CORDEIRO/AFP/Getty Images)
德州州长艾伯特(Greg Abbott)。(SUZANNE CORDEIRO/AFP/Getty Images)
SUTHERLAND SPRINGS, TX - NOVEMBER 5: People gather near First Baptist Church following a shooting on November 5, 2017 in Sutherland Springs, Texas. At least 26 people were reportedly killed and 24 injured when a gunman, identified as Devin P. Kelley, 26, allegedly entered the church during a service and opened fire. (Photo by Erich Schlegel/Getty Images)
发生枪击案的德州小镇居民。(Erich Schlegel/Getty Images)

有八名重伤者被医疗直升机紧急送到Brooke Army Medical Center,其他伤者被送到其它医院救治。


位于圣安东尼奥市(San Antonio)东南方约30英里的萨瑟兰泉镇,是一个居民仅有四百多人的小镇。



德州理工大学校警遭枪杀 19岁涉毒学生被捕
【快讯】美德州教堂爆重大枪杀案 逾26人死
德州枪击案酿26死 川普第一时间发推表关注