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DUX 学院是一所优质并富有教学成效的9-12年纪的补习中心。(客户提供)


【大纪元2018年05月24日讯】Dux College简介:DUX 学院是悉尼最好的HSC补习中心之一, 提供9、10、11 和12年级英语, 数学, 科学, 物理, 化学, 生物学和经济学补习课程。我们的辅导课程紧扣教学大纲, 并为你提供全方位的理论、技能和考试技巧,帮助你在悉尼高考HSC中获得成功。所以无论你是想提高你在校的评分, 或想大幅度提高考试成绩, 我们都可以助你成功! 我们在帕拉马塔(Parramatta)和邦迪(Bondi Junction)有辅导中心。

 Dux College is a results-driven high school tutoring centre that offers English, Maths, Science, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Economics tutoring programs for years 9, 10, 11 and 12. Our tutoring programs follow the syllabus closely and provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the theory, skills and exam technique to succeed in your HSC. So whether you want to raise your assessment ranks at school, or see significant improvements in your exam results, we can help you succeed! We have locations in Parramatta and Bondi Junction.


1、Dux College辅导课程是怎样设计的?How are your courses structured?

我们涵盖所有教学大纲的内容和教学目标,这意味着涵盖了悉尼高考HSC的全部。除了内容, 还有一个非常重要的要点就是分析评估的技巧 —— 我们会教学生如何根据评分标准,及不同的类型的题目和问题采取不同的答卷技巧。

We cover all syllabus content and outcomes – this means everything you need for your HSC exam. In addition to the content, there’s a heavy focus on assessment technique – we teach our students how to structure assessment responses for different types of assessment questions, and how to tailor responses to a marking criteria.

2、Dux College具体课程安排是怎样的?How are your classes structured?

DUX 学院在安排HSC精英补习的各科课程时,一般都是每周2小时的补习课程 (除了12年的数学 Ext2 是每周3小时)。在每周每科2小时的课程中, 导师将从前一周的内容复习开始, 跟你一起分析家庭作业中的难题, 回答学生提出的新问题, 并将教学内容过度到准备下一课的新内容。之后大部分的上课时间, 导师教课内容会根据考试相关的情况,常见的考试题目, 及最佳的解答方法来教授。教学环境据包容性的, 鼓励讨论, 同时我们给予实用可行的指导。

We run a 2 hour weekly lesson per subject (except Year 12 Maths Ext2 is 3hr/wk) – in a typical 2 hour lesson, the tutor would start with a recap of the previous week’s content, go through any difficult homework questions, answer any new questions students might have, and get the class ready for the new content. Then for the bulk of the lesson, the tutor covers the content, keeping everything relevant to exam situations, reminding students of common exam questions that might come up and how to best deal with them. The class environment is inclusive and encourages discussion, but at the same time the instruction we give is actionable and practical.

3、在Dux College,教我们课程的导师拥有怎样的资历?Who are your tutors?

我们的导师在他们教的科目中都有州级的荣誉,这意味着几年前他们在参加悉尼高考HSC的时候, 他们在新南威尔士HSC考试排名都是名列前10名的。我们所有的导师都有多年的教学经验。

Our tutors have state ranks in the subjects they teach – this means when they did their HSC several years ago, they came top 10 in NSW in the subjects they teach. All of our tutors have several years of experience taking classes.

4、Dux College的学生在悉尼高考HSC中成功率是多少?What’s your success rate?

在过去5年内, 我们有超过80% 的应届毕业生获得了 90 +的 ATAR, 70% 的学生 在我们帮助补习的科目中获得了6段的成绩。

Based on the past 5 years or so, over 80% of our graduating students get an ATAR of 90+ and over 70% get a band 6 in the subjects we help them with.

5、Dux College的学生来自哪里?Who are your students?

Dux College的学生是从社区的精英、私立和公立学校的学生, 他们都很有积极性。Dux College的普通学生在学校表现很好, 他们通常是那些想在学校提高成绩的学生。

We get a good mix of students from local selective, private and public schools – they’re all very motivated. Our average student is doing well at their school, we typically get students who want to improve their ranks and marks at school.

6、Dux College的班级规模有多大?What’s your class size?

平均是大约7-8 个学生, 当学生接近那个数字时, 我们会开一个新的班或重新分拆现有的班。正如你在我们的时程表上看到的, 同一个科目我们有多个班

On average is about 7-8 students because when the class gets close to that number we start a new class or split the existing class. As you can see, on our timetable, we have multiple classes for the same subject.

7、免费试听课如何帮助你?How does free trial lesson work?

我们为每一个新的学生提供免费的HSC精英补习试用课。所以欢迎你来, 免费参加第一节课, 这样你就可以在决定是否继续在这里补习。如果你对多个科目感兴趣, 欢迎你参加每一科的免费试用课。

How we work with new students is we firstly book them in for a free trial lesson. So you’re welcome to come along, attend the first class for free so you can try it out before deciding whether to continue. If you’re interested in multiple subjects, you’re welcome to book a FTL for each of them.

8、如何报名Dux College的HSC精英补习课程?How do I enrol?

在你参加HSC精英免费试用课后, 我们的一名员工会给你打电话, 询问你是否乐意接受Dux College 的辅导。如果你愿意, 请在接下来的周末办理注册手续并交付学费。

After you attend your free trial lesson, one of our staff will give you a call to check whether you’re happy to continue with the subjects you tried. If you are, then the enrolment process happens on the following weekend. The fees will also be due then.

Dux College目前有两个HSC补习中心:

Parramatta (总校) :Ground Floor, 30 Cowper St,Parramatta

电话:(02) 8007 6824

Bondi Junction :Level 1, 237 Oxford St,Bondi Junction

电话:(02) 8002 1081

今天就预订DUX College HSC补习免费试听课! 访问我们的网站:或致电我们 (02) 8007 6824。

Book a FREE trial lesson TODAY! Visit our website: or call us on (02) 8007 6824


