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The Hare  Hsu ChiCheng

As bring up the bare, we will very joyful, will wide open the mouth, hail loudly, bear the wings, fly to the sky.

Lo! He runs at full speed to us, like an arrow, like the floating cloud, “It’ll not so fast more than it though rides the wind in the sky”! His four feet are made by the finest spring, in large stride, leap, in frequency, good in elasticity and sharp, in a twinkling, he is right before our eyes.

His tail, is shot, pretty, sharp. Will it be shorter and shorter, more pretty, more sharp, more like human being, posses human nature? May it be sure!

How clean and soft is his fur! May it be the best silk fabric of the world! We will have the sense to get a little electric shock as we touch it! May it be the best carpet of the world! We will have the sense of safe, comfort and self easy and leisure as we see it!

Two ears elected may be his big ears that follow the wind. If there are some things happened, they can hear in some more sphere, make their host free from harass.

The most trembling thing is guessed to be his two eyes. His two eyes are always in inflammation. Is it the result of his love to eat carrot? Or sleep badly?… No. it’s because of people don’t treasure time and shed tears.

Then, good to treasure the time! Don’t let him sheds tears with grieve in disappointed all the time, inflames his eyes, and runs at full speed to disappear in a moment! @


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