
在西澳南部,通常9月份是野花盛季。 图为西澳南部的野花。(林文责/大纪元)

在西澳南部,通常9月份是野花盛季。 图为西澳南部的野花。(林文责/大纪元)

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Make a Slip of the Hand   Hsu ChiCheng

Of course, it’s only the best a person in his whole life will to have a favourable wind all the way, not any obstruct; however, how many people can hold this kind of lucky? “Storms gather without warning and misfortune befalls men overnight.” How buck one’s ideals up the most, how diligent the most, will always hard to avoid the time of making a slip of the hand.

Of cause, make a slip of the hand, is a thing of lament; however, how buck one’s ideals up the most, how diligent the most, we can’t bar its coming, and also can’t retrieve its harm already. Except do our best to reduce the rate of the appearance of make a slip of the hand, we just to face it bravely.

It’s very importance to maintain an ordinary mind. Don’t need too excite, and also don’t too grieve. Treat it as it’s the test to us from heaven! Don’t lose the faith to the justice and truth. Don’t give up the mind of optimistic and be enterprising. Don’t give up self great ideal. Steps steadily, steps ahead one by one, persists in diligent, forward ceaselessly, upward…

Of course, it’s necessary to self-reflection and self-criticism, self-reflection and self- criticism the cause of making the slip of the hand, is it the artificial? Or is it inborn ? Is it can’t prevent truly? Or ought to attention and can be attention but not attention? The result of self-reflection and self-criticism, correct or revise if it can correct or revise, can’t back to the previous living is not making the same mistakes again absolutely. This is the most important thing. Must like Yan Hui, no second mistake!

Make a slip of the hand, just as a person gets harm or sick, must be cure, to be restored, plays to the role of normal function.

For it’s no escape to make a slip of the hand, except do best to pay great attention on it, do best to lower the rate of its appearance, we just ought to face it bravely. @


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