
Souls Awakened
唐乙文 Yiwen Tang
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In mainland China, Falun Dafa practitioners practiced the exercises together every morning in the places near their homes, such as parks, campuses, sports centers, the banks of the rivers…

Upon finishing the practice, children practitioners went to school, adult practitioners went to work, and elderly practitioners went home or went shopping for the family.

After reading Zhuan Falun for some time, I went to one of the Falun Dafa practice sites on the campus of Zhongshan University, where was near my rental flat, to learn the exercises. Numerous teachers and students from the university practiced together every morning.

The volunteer assistant of the practice site, a middle-aged gentleman, taught me the exercises free of charge.

My movements were awkward, but the assistant was very nice and taught me every movement patiently.

I didn’t practice the exercises upon learning it, I soon forgot it and went to the practice site to request the assistant to teach me again. He taught me the two hours of exercises all over again kindly and patiently.

Again, I didn’t practice upon learning and forgot and went to the practice site to request the assistant to teach me. He taught me with the same kindness and patience without a word of complaint.

I was moved to tears. I whispered to myself, “I’ve found a pure land.”

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