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倫敦的自然歷史博物館裡面的標誌性展品——梁龍Dippy即將搬家。這個長達21.3米的恐龍化石複製品已經在博物館安家109年了。離開博物館之後,它將開始全國巡遊。它的位置將被另一個龐然大物取代,一具25.3米長、從天花板吊來下的藍鯨化石。 (Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)

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LONDON, ENGLAND - DECEMBER 30: Darts fans arrive at Alexandra Palace in fancy dress ahead of the quarter finals of the 2016 William Hill World Darts Championship on December 30, 2016 in London, England. The event is the world's biggest darts tournament, with 72 players from across the globe competing across 15 days of the knock out competition. (Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)
William Hill世界飛鏢錦標賽近日在倫敦舉辦,來自世界各地的72名選手參加了這一世界上規模最大的飛鏢比賽。小李飛刀要是來的話,估計這些人都沒戲了。 (Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)
LONDON, ENGLAND - JANUARY 04: Members of the public walk walk around 'Dippy' the Diplodocus at Natural History Museum on January 4, 2017 in London, England. The 70ft long (21.3m) plaster-cast sauropod replica, which is made up of 292 bones, is set to leave the Natural History Museum in London, where it has been for 109 years, before going on a national tour. Dippy will be replaced by an 83 foot long real skeleton of a Blue Whale, which will be hung from the ceiling. (Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)
倫敦的自然歷史博物館裡面的標誌性展品——梁龍Dippy即將搬家。這個長達21.3米的恐龍化石複製品已經在博物館安家109年了。離開博物館之後,它將開始全國巡遊。它的位置將被另一個龐然大物取代,一具25.3米長、從天花板吊來下的藍鯨化石。 (Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)
LONDON, ENGLAND - JANUARY 07: The teams battle in the scrum during the Aviva Premiership match between Harlequins and Sale Sharks at Twickenham Stoop on January 7, 2017 in London, England. (Photo by Warren Little/Getty Images)
誰能告訴我這裡面有多少名球員?Harlequins與Sale Sharks隊進行的橄欖球比賽陷入一場混戰。身強力壯、滿身泥污的球員們擁擠在一起,如果不是雙方球衣顏色相差較大,都快要分辨不出來誰是哪一方的隊員了。 (Photo by Warren Little/Getty Images)
LONDON, ENGLAND - JANUARY 10: (L-R) Tony Jaa, Nina Dobrev, Donnie Yen, Vin Diesel, Deepika Padukone and Ruby Rose attend the European Premiere of Paramount Pictures' "xXx: Return of Xander Cage" on January 10, 2017 in London, United Kingdom. (Photo by Stuart C. Wilson/Getty Images for Paramount Pictures)
身材高大、滿身肌肉塊未必是真功夫。1月10日,武星甄子丹在倫敦參加電影《極限特工:終極回歸》的歐洲首映式並與該片主演們合影。會真功夫的甄子丹在這部電影裡扮演的是大反派,與主演范•迪塞爾(中間的禿頭男)飆演技。(Photo by Stuart C. Wilson/Getty Images for Paramount Pictures)
BURGHEAD, SCOTLAND - JANUARY 11: Clavie King carries the Clavie, a burning barrel packed with tar soaked sticks fixed on the top of a pole, is carried to the Doorie Hill on January 11, 2017 in Burghead, Scotland. People welcome in the New Year with the fire ceremony which has ancient roots dating back to the 1750’s, when the Julian calendar was reformed in Britain. It is believed to bring good luck for the coming year. (Photo by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images)
可能是因為那裡的冬天太冷了吧,蘇格蘭人就是喜歡玩火。他們除了在新年前夜的Hogmanay要點火把之外,還有這個燃燒Clavie的活動。Clavie就是一個裝滿了用柏油浸過的樹枝的木桶,然後把木桶放在柱子上,再把木桶裡面的樹枝點然。人們把這燃燒的木桶搬到Doorie山上,以此慶祝新年,據說會帶來好運。 (Photo by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images)
REDCAR, UNITED KINGDOM - JANUARY 13: Huge waves crash over the lighthouse at an area known as South Gare on January 13, 2017 in Redcar, United Kingdom. The Met Office has issued a yellow be aware warning for much of the UK, as snow, ice and winds are expected to cause disruption until late on Friday. It comes amid severe flood warnings issued along the eastern coast of England, as it braces for a storm surge. (Photo by Ian Forsyth/Getty Images)
上週,暴風雪席捲英國,沿海的村莊遭遇高達2.7米的巨浪。圖為1月13日巨浪拍打英格蘭北方小鎮Redcar的燈塔。 (Photo by Ian Forsyth/Getty Images)
SPITTAL OF GLENSHEE, UNITED KINGDOM - JANUARY 13: People enjoy some sledging beside the A93 on January 13, 2017 in Spital of Glenshee, United Kingdom. The Met Office has issued a yellow 'be aware' warning for much of the UK, as snow, ice and winds are expected to cause disruption until late on Friday. It comes amid severe flood warnings issued along the eastern coast of England, as it braces for a storm surge. (Photo by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images)
下雪了,太好玩了!上週,英國許多地方降下了今年第一場大雪,小朋友們異常興奮。圖為蘇格蘭高地Spittal of Glenshee的一名家長帶著女兒滑雪橇,連家裡的小狗都顯得很興奮。 (Photo by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images)
PETERBOROUGH, UNITED KINGDOM - JANUARY 14: The three Straw Bears are led through the streets during the annual Whittlesea Straw Bear Festival parade on January 14, 2017 in Whittlesey, United Kingdom. The traditional event was revived in 1980 and features a "Straw Bear" and it's children being led through the streets of the English village of Whittlesey, near Peterborough, United Kingdom. The bear dances, while musicians break off into groups around the village square to perform with many different Morris, Molly, Sword, Mummer and Appalachian dancing teams. (Photo by Leon Neal/Getty Images)
英國人真的很喜歡熊,不僅有各式各樣的泰迪熊、帕丁頓熊、Tatty熊,還有稻草熊。圖為1月14日劍橋郡小村Whittlesea舉行的稻草熊節。這個活動歷史久遠,曾一度中斷,1980年重新興起。這個村子每年1月都會舉行稻草熊節,一頭高大的「稻草熊」帶著它的熊仔們穿過村子裡的主要街道。「稻草熊」還會帶著人們跳舞。 (Photo by Leon Neal/Getty Images)

