

Bao Xuexi:My Chinese Dream

人气 6

President Xi, Premier Li, Provincial Secretary Xu and Provincial Governor Du:

I have a dream that one day the Changsha Municipal Government may fulfill its legal obligation of government information disclosure to me.

This March, for my first time, I filed application in written to Changsha Municipal Government for information disclosure, disclosing the Declaration on Land Acquisition Project by People’s Government of Changsha Municipality [2005] No.014 (here refer to as 014), as well as a document with a “Three-Unity” logo confirming 014’s effectivity after 2008.

The application letter, through EMS, was delivered, signed and receipted on March 12th. According to articles 21th, 24th of the Regulation on Government Information Disclosure, no matter that 014 could be made public or not, Changsha Municipal Government should, within 15 working days from March 12th to April 1st, make an answer or inform a delayed answer to me. But until today, April 12th, I have got neither answer nor informing.

I applied for information disclosure fully in line with the rule of article 20th of RGID, but Changsha Municipal Government got letter received, and gave me no answer, no reply and no response, totally out line with the rule of article 24th of RGID, which is a typical administrative omission and severely infringed citizen’s legal right and interest. Hereby, according to articles 33th, 35th of RGID, I complain Changsha Municipal Government to Central Government and Hunan Provincial Government, please command Changsha Municipal Government to fulfill its legal obligation of information disclosure without delay, and investigate Mayor Zhang Jianfei’s neglect or misconduct as well.

It shouldn’t be difficult for government fulfilling such obligation as giving an answer no matter 014 could be public or not. As a matter of fact, last year my home was destroyed by force by government by 014. Around 014’s unconstitutional, false, administrative review and recheck, I have been long wrestling with government. In the process, I’m under the rule of law, but they’re not, even not under such basic rules as information disclosure. The government speaking in such rhetoric words as trying to forge a Legal Government, However, in my word, is actually trying their best to forge a False Legal Government.

亲爱的习主席,你的人民遵守游戏规则,而人民的政府违反游戏规则, 不公平的游戏,你说你的国民怎么可能实现中国梦?亲爱的李总理,我给政府写了无数封信,反映014问题,都没用,好失望。以后我再也懒得写了,我再也不想跟你们走社会主义了,再也不想走中国社会主义道路来实现我的中国梦。请允许我走外国资本主义道路,通过境外新闻自由的法治来实现我的中国梦!
Dear President Xi, an unfair play game that your fellow citizens abide the game rule while their government violates, tell me that how could it possible for your people to realize Chinese Dream? Dear Premier Li, I wrote to government quite a number of letters about 014, all ending up in uselessness and great disappointment, I am unwilling to write any more in the future, and I will never follow you on socialism any longer. Please allow me to walk through foreign capitalist road rather than Chinese socialist road, and please allow my Chinese Dream come true through the rule for news freedom abroad!

Bao Xuexi

Telephone: 86 0 18874151946
Email: baogang2008@msn.cn
Skype: heart-calm

April 12, 2013


获释后首发文批中共 艾未未称北京为噩梦
十一前访民爆聚北京 中共抓人忙
长沙村民被一骗再骗  维权上访遭警殴