
全球退黨服務中心等團體:支持法輪功堅守退黨真相點 支持港人捍衛香港核心價值

【大紀元2012年12月24日訊】香港因為其獨特的歷史沿革,一九九七年以 “一國兩制”的方式回歸中國。這本是中華民族的大好事情。但是由於中共邪惡暴政正在中國大陸肆虐橫行,香港也不幸落入中共魔掌。從那時起,中共無孔不入地在“一國兩制”的幌子下對香港進行各種滲透和控制,尤其是利用香港接壤大陸的地理環境與傳統的自由寬容氣氛,派遣特務兇徒越境作惡、操縱本地親共勢力對港人進行利益誘騙與黨文化洗腦,甚至再現「文革」煽動仇恨,挑動民眾鬥民眾,企圖達到消滅香港的自由火種,最終全面控制香港的目的。





西方有句話,“邪惡得以橫行的唯一條件,就是好人袖手旁觀。”,“ The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.–Edmund Burke”。在這個正邪大戰的關鍵時刻,事關全體華人的最終利益,事關自由社會的普世價值。讓我們勇敢的站出來,和香港人民一道,支持法輪功堅守退黨真相點,支持香港人民捍衛自由生活。























Alliance for Democracy for Asians in USA (ADA-USA)

Washington Forum

Voice of Vietnamese Am

Rebecca Project for Human Rights



*聯署個人: *

許毅, 學者,英國倫敦,

杨建利 公民力量 哈佛大学 研究员


袁紅冰 自由主義法學家、中國流亡作家

伍凡 中國事務主編


李坤 大陸紀元網友

梁大千 美国 自由职业

唐柏橋 民主大學校長

李大勇 全球退黨服務中心執行主任


Petition to Support Hong Kong Falun Gong Practitioners’ Truth Clarification Sites for Quitting the Chinese Communist Party & Protect Hong Kong Residents’ Core Values

Hong Kong, with its unique historical heritage, returned to China in

1997 under the “one country, two systems” agreement. This should have

been a very good thing for China, but because China has been under the

despotic rule of the evil Chinese Communist Party (CCP), Hong Kong,

unfortunately, fell prey to the CCP. Since then, the CCP has been

infiltrating and manipulating Hong Kong under the banner of “one

country, two systems.”

Especially noteworthy is that the CCP has been taking advantage of Hong

Kong’s close proximity to mainland China and its atmosphere of freedom

and tolerance in an attempt to destroy Hong Kong’s seed of freedom and

obtain complete control of the territory. The CCP spies and thugs come

to HK to commit crimes and coerce local pro-CCP groups through monetary

incentives to brainwash HK residents with CCP culture. Moreover, they

have been inciting “Cultural Revolution” type of hatred in HK residents

to fight against each other.

CCP’s evil nature is the source of its actions. As long as the Hong Kong

residents enjoy freedom for one more day, it will inflict anger and fear

in the CCP. The freedom of Hong Kong and Taiwan provides hope for the

Chinese people and irritates the CCP, who would do anything to destroy

the freedom.

The Falun Gong practitioners in Hong Kong have been maintaining Tuidang

(quit the CCP) service sites at major tourists attractions for over a

decade. These service sites greet thousands of tourists from mainland

China daily with the truth about CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong, about

the live organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners and about CCP’s

evil nature. The HK Falun Gong practitioners encourage the Chinese

tourists to read the “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party” and to

quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations for the sake of their own

future. The perseverance and great benevolence of HK Falun Gong

practitioners have moved countless Chinese people, who choose to

denounce the CCP. Therefore, the CCP fear the Tuidang service sites and

regard them as a threat to its ruling status.

The Tuidang service sites have become the main target of CCP’s attack,

which are intensified since Leung Chun-ying, Hong Kong’s new Chief

Executive assumed office. Since June 2012, a group of CCP thugs,

allegedly supported by CCP’s notorious Political & Legislative Affairs

Committee, trample on the Hong Kong Basic Law, harass Falun Gong

practitioners verbally and physically, disrupt the truth clarification

activities at the Tuidang service sites, and fabricate false evidence to

charge Falun Gong practitioners.

In the meantime, the CCP also commands its “comrade” Leung Chun-ying,

who bears the name of “tumor against morality” by the HK residents, to

comply with the CCP thugs. As a result, no action was taken by either

high ranking officials or the police on-duty. This obviously is the

extension of CCP’s brutal persecution against Falun Gong practitioners

in mainland China. Witnessing the lawless behaviors of the CCP’s thugs

in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong residents are shocked and worried about Hong

Kong’s future.

Such trying situation has been going on for over 6 months, yet HK Falun

Gong practitioners never gave up their Tuidang sites. Hong Kong’s

judiciary system is being destroyed. Hong Kong’s life style is polluted

with communist violence. If this goes on, Hong Kong’s core values of

freedom, human rights, democracy and judicial system will exist no more.

If a group of law-biding people who follow truthfulness, compassion and

tolerance cannot survive in Hong Kong, who else can? The last bit of

freedom air in mainland China is being suffocated!

Edmund Burke once said, “the only thing necessary for the triumph of

evil is for good men to do nothing.” We are at the crucial point of

struggle between the good and the evil. The Hong Kong situation matters

to all Chinese people and to the universal values of mankind. Let us

stand up and join the Hong Kong residence to support Falun Gong

practitioners and protect Hong Kong’s freedom.

Supporting Falun Gong is to protect Hong Kong!

Protecting Hong Kong is to say No to the CCP!

Let us pledge our support for Hong Kong Falun Gong practitioners and the

Tuidang service sites! We support the HK people in protecting Hong

Kong’s core values! Let us all say no to the CCP!

We welcome all organizations and individuals to sign the petition.

Dec. 14, 2012

Global Service Center for Quitting the CCP