
法輪功代表聯合國專題發言 曝中共活摘等三大罪

【大紀元2013年09月27日訊】全球24屆聯合國人權理事會大會9月9日至9月27日在日內瓦聯合國萬國宮召開。法輪功人權代表陳師眾博士應邀作專題發言,在聯合國人權理事會副主席 Iruthisham Adam女士主持的9月19日國際人權討論會上,提出了對中共活摘法輪功學員器官、對法輪功學員系統性使用神經破壞藥物、利用洗腦班進行迫害的指控,並要求聯合國對這三大指控做徹底調查和阻止。










Vice President,

The Nonviolent Radical Party, Transnational and Transparty urge the Human Rights Council to pay attention to China』s 14-year persecution of Falun Gong that has cost a high number of lives. Not only has it been one of the world』s largest human rights crisis, but the alleged China』s systematic extraction of Falun Gong practitioners』 organs also constitutes a major offense against human conscience.

Several UN Special Rapporteurs have repeatedly asked China to explain its dramatically increased source of organs, which happened to coincide with its persecution of Falun Gong.

These Special Rapporteurs have also repeatedly requested China to explain how China hospitals are ready to supply tissue-matching organs for transplantation. China』s failure to address these questions is not surprising, China tissue-match hundreds of organs in a matter of weeks, when all other countries know that, following due ethical rules, it is practically impossible to achieve such an immediate availability of biologically and medically feasible organs.

We believe the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights should make clear that taking organs without the proper and free consensus of the donor is a crime that challenges the bottom line of humanity and ask for a thorough investigation on this matter.

We also Ask the United Nations to look into China』s reported systematic use of nerve-damaging chemicals on Falun Gong practitioners. Over the years there have been reports on thousands of such cases. This would be comparable with use of chemical weapons.

We further urge the independent expert on the promotion of a democratic and equitable international order to investigate those hundreds of 「brainwashing centers」 that have been reportedly used to violently persecute Falun Gong practitioners.

Thank you!
