



我謹代表主張非暴力社會變革的馬丁-路德金中心, 向世界所有慶祝新年的人們表示最熱烈的祝賀!

在慶祝中國新年的時候, 我們也同時慶祝海外華人對推動人類文明所做的貢獻. 與高貴典雅的中國文化一樣, 中國人的智慧, 精神和膽識已對我們這個世界產生深遠影響.

新年同時也為培植海外華人與其它種族社區之間更深的了解, 合作與和睦相處提供了一個絕好機會. 因此, 我祝愿你們在新的一年裡充滿成功和喜悅, 祝愿大家有不斷增加的自由, 民主與和平.


科瑞塔 斯克特 金


英語原文: 圖片連接

January 20, 2004

To the Epoch Times:

On behalf of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change, I want to express my warmest greetings to everyone who is celebrating the Lunar Chinese New Year throughout the world.

In commemorating the Chinese New Year, we also celebrate the magnificant contributions of the people of the Chinese diaspora to the progress of civilization. Chinese wisdom, spirituality and enterprise has had a profound impact on our world, as has the grace and elegance of Chinese culture.

Chinese New Year also provides a wonderful opportunity to foster greater understanding, cooperation and goodwill between the people of the Chinese diaspora and other ethnic communities. In this spirit, I wish you the best for a most successful and joyous New Year, with ever-increasing freedom, democracy and peace for all.


Coretta Scott King

