

【大紀元12月2日訊】(對華援助協會12月1日新聞稿)最近路易•包樂(Luis Palau)聲稱中國的家庭教會應該進行登記,中國家庭教會部分領袖發表聲明強烈反應,對包樂博士誤導和不負責任的聲明表示督責。要求路易•包樂(Luis Palau)收回向北京政府的表態.


(前北京市委黨校講師, 中國家庭教會牧師, 威斯敏德神學院哲學博士候選人):


2005年12月1日 於美國德州美德蘭市


Portland, Oregon, Monday, November 28, 2005 – Evangelist Luis Palau issued the following statement today in response to concerns over his recent trip to China.

“I regret some of the remarks I made to a reporter during my recent trip to China. It’s not my role as an evangelist to suggest that churches in China should register. My role is to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ.

“My prayer and desire remains the same… that working together with all believers in the Lord Jesus we can see total religious freedom in China and open doors to publicly proclaim the Good News of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I love China. I love the Chinese people. I have been praying for China since I was sixteen years old. Those prayers have intensified in recent years as I constantly and continually encourage Christians worldwide to pray for China.

“It has always been one of my goals to help and protect God’s people, not create problems for them. I’ve lived in countries where Christians endured hardship for their faith and I have nothing but the highest respect and admiration for brothers and sisters who have suffered for being faithful and dedicated followers of Jesus Christ.

“I have been permitted to preach in China now for over five years and have seen hundreds come to faith in Jesus Christ. This has been one of the greatest joys of my more than 50 years of ministry. I pray these trips are symbolic of changes taking place in China and that these changes lead to greater religious freedom.

“I was surprised, but honored when asked by President George W. Bush last weekend to join him at a Chinese-language worship service in Beijing. It is evident that Mr. Bush sees religious freedom as a very important issue concerning China-US relations as he has repeatedly expressed in public.

“I continue to appeal to Christians around the globe to especially pray for China. It would deeply pain me if any of my comments would provoke any kind of trouble for God’s saints in the Peoples Republic of China. And I pray our sovereign Lord would not allow it.”


