







1) 從歐盟觀點看中國的貿易、貨幣政策及人權等問題;

2) 從東歐及前蘇聯政治、社會巨變與民主化發展的經驗,看中國未來的挑戰;

3) 中共一黨專政及黨政軍領導政權,是否會因國內重大經濟危機、社會巨大衝突壓力或最近曝光的活體摘取法輪功學員器官牟利的暴行,而導致崩潰或轉型?

4) 面對中共政經變局,現階段赴中國大陸投資是機會還是陷阱?

本報社誠意邀請 閣下撥冗參加「中國的未來」研討會。屆時,也歡迎您發表獨到之見,為中國的未來獻出錦囊妙計。

主持人:美國華盛頓DC大紀元時報社長 聶森教授

主講嘉賓:歐洲議會副主席 愛德華.麥克米蘭.史考特先生(Mr. Edward McMillan-Scott)

香港市民支援愛國民主運動聯合會主席 司徒華先生

台灣投資中國受害者協會理事長 高為邦博士

台灣「上海同德堂」著名中醫師 胡乃文醫生




免費參加 座位有限 歡迎預訂


致電:2519 9229

傳真:2519 9554


* 現場提供即時國、粵、英語翻譯 *

* 建議與會人士穿著商務套裝 *




Mr. Edward McMillan-Scott, MEP; Vice President, European Parliament


在歐洲議會中,愛德華.麥克米蘭.史考特先生擔任多年的外交事務和安全部門的保守黨發言人。他也曾經擔任經貿部門發言人。自從柏林圍牆倒塌後,他倡議「歐洲民主政治主張」,每年撥出8千萬英鎊以發展世界性的民主政治和文明社會,尤其是在前蘇聯和回教世界中,從草根群眾活動到泛歐洲計劃,已有數千個項目接受融資贊助。他也是「國際民主政治運動議員代表團」(The International Movement of Parliamentarians of Democracy)的創始人。


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The Epoch Times Presents

International Forum:The Future of China, (Third Series)

Saturday 27th May, 2006

9:30am –12:30 pm

Venue :Hong Kong Boys’ & Girls’ Club Association,

3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

As of early May this year, more than 10.5 million Chinese people have quit from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliations. This mass movement of awakening of conscience and abolishing the CCP has gathered more and more momentum, and increased attentions of Chinese and the world as time goes on.

The Epoch Times has held two international forums on “Future of China: China and a World without Communism” which provided a public platform to facilitate dialogues, discussions, or even debates on the current affairs of CCP and China. Now, we proudly present to you the 3rd Forum to continue the dialogue among concerned individuals and groups on this important topic, with the following invited guests of political leaders and scholars:

Specially Invited Keynote Speaker :

Honorable MEP Edward McMillan-Scott, Vice-President of the European Parliament and founder of the European Democracy Initiative.

First elected in 1984 and the longest-serving member of the European Parliament’s Foreign Affairs committee, is a representative of Europe to the World.

Other Invited Speakers:

Mr. Szeto Wah, a well-respected democracy advocate and pioneer in Hong Kong, and a former Legislative Councilor.

Dr. Gao Weibang, author of two popular business books on investing in China.

Dr. Hu Naiwen, Renowned Chinese Medicine Doctor of Shanghai Tong-De-Tang since 1986.

Forum Moderator: Dr. Nieh Sen, a professor at the Catholic University of America since 1983; President of the Epochtimes, Washington D.C.

Our publication, “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party “, an uncensored historical account of the CCP, is widely circulated among Chinese people, although banned by the CCP authorities. This book, the No.1 prohibited book in China, has triggered the mass movement of renunciation from CCP and is free to be downloaded at or

You are cordially invited to participate in the Forum and share your insights on the topic and to envisage a path for a democratic China.

Free Admission! All Welcome!

Please call or fax to Ms Mary Kwong to reserve seats.

Tel: 25199881 Fax:25199554
