



【大紀元8月11日訊】(大紀元記者南希華盛頓DC報導)在中國民眾退黨潮日益擴大的時刻,越來越多的國際政要公開聲援中國大陸退黨潮。美國當地時間7月18日下午,大紀元 時報在美國國會大廈H-137會議室首次舉辦九評系列研討會,題目為:「去掉偽裝,揭示一個真實的中國」。



三位美國聯邦議員 (新澤西州民主黨眾議員羅斯‧浩特Rush Holt, 加州共和黨眾議員達納.羅拉巴克Dana Rohrabacher, 和德州民主黨眾議員希拉‧傑克遜‧李Sheila Jackson Lee) 以及來自不同國家的外交官員、專家學者及媒體工作者對《九評》觸發的退黨大潮、中國政治經濟社會現況﹑中共政權對全世界人民造成的傷害及其未來走向﹐進行了深入全面的審視與探討。


研討會主持人英文大紀元時報編輯斯蒂文‧格雷戈瑞 (Stephen Gregory)說,自從《九評》發表兩年半以來,大紀元在全世界各地舉辦了800多場《九評》及退黨大潮等揭示真實中國的系列研討會,其中包括600場中文研討會、100場英文研討會和100場其它語種的研討會。今天是首次在美國國會大廈舉辦《九評》系列研討會。


他在演講中說﹕「……如果還有任何事情是在上述我所討論到的各種情況中共同不變的﹐那就是中國共產黨政權將繼續壓制其薄弱的對手﹐像在國際上的台灣和在國內薄弱的異議人士﹐以維持中共一黨專政的地位。中國共產黨現在的流行語『穩定壓倒一切』﹐已經表示了中國共產黨將盡一切手段來鎮壓所有的反對人士和力量的心態……」 。

以下是黃偉峰博士演講的中文譯文與英文全文 (根據錄音整理而成﹐小標題為記者所加)。


謝謝主持人斯蒂文的介紹﹗這是我莫大的榮譽與高興來參加這個高規格活動 (研討會)﹐並與你們分享我對中國現況及權力的一些看法。




作為一個其祖先在20代以前來自中國大陸的台灣人, 我向在中共現政權不當統治下遭受過苦難的大陸民眾表達同情關懷。就像大多數的台灣民眾一樣﹐我們不認為中國民眾是我們的敵人﹐他們是我們的朋友和親戚。只是這個中國共產黨政權﹐它對內整肅自己的人民﹐對外壓制台灣人民的生存權利。就是它把我們今天聚在一起﹐一同探討並提醒全世界﹕中國(中共)的真實面目。

中國共產黨是以攻擊其薄弱的對手﹐並向強大的敵人謹慎地隱藏其真實意圖而著名於世的。中國共產黨的許多伎倆只是為了唯一的目地﹕在中國維持中共的一黨專政。 因此﹐對中國共產黨像貪婪的獵手﹐常年不斷的清洗獵殺異見人士的事﹐就不足為奇了。



由於中共不願實際的向民主邁進﹐許多民眾的不滿和抗議事件﹐以及侵犯人權和中共的腐敗和不當統治事件 , 層出不窮的被報導出來。據中國公安部報導的數據顯示﹐自發性的示威抗議活動﹐從1990年代初期的一年一千六百起增加至2005年的八萬七千起。我所提的“自發性示威抗議活動”, 是因為在中國是沒有“有組織的示威抗議活動”。它是根本不准有這種“有組織的抗議活動” 的。


其中﹐沒收土地而不給予足夠的補償﹐是促成大型示威抗議活動中最重要的一個觸因。例如在 2005年的廣東省佛山市, 二千多村民包圍當地政府﹐抗議當地警方非法拘禁和毆打村民。這些村民是去示威抗議他們的耕地被當地政府強迫收回而不給補償。

據2007年廣西省的報導 , 強執執行的“一胎化政策”遭到公眾的抗拒﹐數千人站出來示威抗議。今年從山西省﹐我們還聽到了拐騙孩子強制勞動的惡性“黑磚窯”事件。

2007年在福建省廈門市﹐當地居民因害怕化工廠的致命污染源﹐他們被動員並包圍了附近正在興建的化工廠。但是當地政府似乎已下定決心 ,貫徹化工廠的興建﹐很可能他們從化工廠收取一定的佣金或回扣。

2004年在河南省, 一個回族的少數民族被一名漢族的假冒警察毆打了﹐因此引發了漢﹑回兩族村民的群體拳打腳踢事件。


中國共產黨常用來壓迫異議人士的方法﹐包括經常例行的騷擾﹑暴力恐嚇﹑軟禁﹑關押監禁﹑和判刑處死。 如果一個異議人士被黜離家鄉流亡海外﹐中國共產黨就會全力阻擋﹐使他或她永遠無法踏上國土﹐返回家鄉。





這樣嚴密控制媒體的不良後果之一﹐是地方當局往往隱瞞不利於他們的信息。例如 2003年的SARS(非典)疫情﹐由於制度性隱瞞﹐造成了周圍的東南亞國家大量的人命損失﹐尤其在香港和台灣。




其次, 中國共產黨剝奪了台灣人民參與幾乎所有的國際組織的權力﹐這許多都觸及到台灣存活的必要功能。舉例來說﹐台灣人民呼籲國際社會支持台灣加入世界衛生組織 (WHO)。但在2003年SARS疫情期間﹐世界衛生組織專家要等到北京批准後才能來台灣﹐這已是疫情爆發數星期之後﹐我們已失去了70位台灣人的生命。即使在這種疫情緊急的情況下﹐北京仍試圖阻止從國際社會對台灣的人道援助。

另一個例子是﹐台灣想參與一些需要地區的活動﹐以貢獻自己回饋國際社會。在2005年﹐有一個東南亞地區的海嘯在印尼各地和印度洋地區。台灣人民與政府想要給相關地區捐贈超過六千多萬美元的食品和救濟物資。但事實上台灣方面代表﹐並沒有被聯合國協調所有救災工作的委員會邀請參加相關的會議。 所以﹐事情的原委是﹐我們不得不輾轉用一些其他方式把食品和救濟物資運達海嘯受災地區。

更荒謬的是﹐在2006年那次在巴基斯坦的克什米爾地區的地震時期﹐我們派出了100多人的救援隊伍﹐以救助那些在克什米爾地區遭受地震災難的人們。我們的救援隊卻被迫在泰國落地停飛﹐因為巴基斯坦當局不給我們的救援隊簽發簽證, 以進入克什米爾地區幫助那些受災難之苦的人。這種情況的﹐你當然能猜到﹐原因是巴基斯坦當局受到了來自中共政權的巨大壓力。我們的救援隊不能獲得任何簽證﹐進入克什米爾地區進行搶救就不足驚奇。



***“穩定壓倒一切” 表示中共將鎮壓所有反對人士和力量


***中共將面對公平正義 呼籲聯合國和歐盟共同為中國人權奮鬥


只有當強大的世界組織共同採取行動 ,中國才會認真聽取和改變。最後﹐我只想向你們提出在本週商業周刊上的一篇文章的標題﹕中國能夠被修正變好嗎?




Thank you Stephen for your introduction﹗ This is my great honor and great pleasure to attend this fine event and share my views about China’s situations and rights.

I do not pretend myself to be able to reveal the “true China” for you since I have troubles traveling to China. I have worked for the Mainland Affairs Council in Taiwan for only more than two years. I am short of the knowledge about China, more or less.

So, I am now not going to detail you the very significant achievements of China’s situations and rights, except to draw your attentions to its social causes on environment, living standards, income qualities, corruptions, bad governs, and above all, the abuse of human rights.

As a Taiwanese, whose ancestor came from Mainland China 20 generations ago, I extend my sympathy to the Chinese who suffered from mal-governing of the Chinese current regime in Mainland.

Like most Taiwanese, Chinese people are not regarded as our enemies but as our friends and relatives. It is the Chinese Communist Party regime that internally purged Chinese dissidents and externally suppressed Taiwanese people’s rights to survive, that brought us here to alert the world of the true face of China’s rights.

The Chinese Communist Party is renowned for its attacks against its weak opponents, and prudently hides its real intentions in the face of the power. The only purpose held in the Chinese Communist Party’s maneuvers is to maintain its one party dominance in China. Therefore, it is not surprising that the Chinese Communist Party persistently purges its dissidents like a rich hunter.

When confronting the US and the European powers’ urge for democracy and human rights, the Chinese Communist Party tends to respond politely and pay lip services to its long-term democratic reform.

Because of the reluctance of the Chinese Communist Party’s move to democracy, there have been numerous reports of grievance and protest instances as well as the abuse of human rights and the Chinese Communist Party’s corruption and mal governs.

According to the records provided by Chinese Police Department, spontaneous protesting movement instances increased from 1,600 in early 1990s to 87,000 in 2005. I mentioned “spontaneous protesting movements”, because there is no organized protest movement in China. It is not allowed to have this kind of organized protest movement in China.

Most of these instances occurred as the result of the corruption of local officials, illegal confiscation of farmer’s land, labor and capital disputes, villagers rights of water and energy supplies, industrial pollutions, enforcement of one child policy, ethnic confrontation between Hui and Han, insufficient government compensation for individual losses.

Land confiscation without sufficient compensation is one of the major causes of the protests. In 2005, in Foshan City, Guangdong Province, more than 2,000 villagers encircled local government in protest against local police illegally detaining and beating up villagers. These villagers appealed their case that their farmland was contributed to local government without compensations.

In Guangxi 2007, it was reported that the strong enforcement of the “One Child Policy” was met with public resistance and several thousand people came out to protest. In Shanxi Province this year, we also heard about the child forced labors in the “Hei Zhuan Yao”.

In 2007, Xiamen City, Fujian Province, local residents were mobilized and encircled a chemical plant for fear of deadly pollutions. But local government seemed to be determined to carry it out as if they had some commission or kickbacks from the chemical plant.

In 2004, Henan Province, one Hui ethnic minority was beaten up by a pretended Han policeman. As a result, the Han and Hui villagers confronted with each other for fist fights.

In 2005, Chongqing City, Sichuan Province, a protestant was beaten up by a pretended local official and incurred 50,000 residents turnout to smash police cars and government buildings.

The ways that the Chinese Communist Party oppresses its dissidents include routine harassments, violent intimidations, house arrest, jail and death penalty. If a dissident is exiled, the Chinese Communist Party will make sure he or she will never return to Chinese floor.

Not only the Chinese Communist Party government has no intention to move to democracy and respect human rights, but also it tightens its control over the media and civil society.

In China, more than 10,000 of the Internet police have been deployed to monitor and scrutinize Internet communications. Any words containing democracy, freedom, Taiwan or Tibet are screened out from search engine.

It is unfortunate to hear that Google and Yahoo gave in to the Chinese Communist Party’s demand to provide information that led to the arrest of Zhao Yan, a human right activist.

In order to tighten up its control over all media, Chinese Communist Party Regime has jailed 10,000 journalists over years, which is more than all journalists jailed by other countries in the world. Moreover, journalists must apply for prior approval in order to interview TianAnMen dissidents.

One consequence of such tight control of the media is the local authorities tend to hide unfavorable information such as the SARS epidemic in 2003, which caused lots of human life loss around the South East Asia countries, such as Hong Kong and Taiwan.

With such strict rules to treat innocent people in China, it is not surprising to see that how the Chinese Communist Party treats Taiwanese people and Taiwan, a country that China claims as part of it, but yet exerts no effective jurisdiction on that.

First, Chinese Communist Party has deployed more than 900 missiles targeting Taiwan. The purpose is to intimidate Taiwan people not to declare independence but increasingly used to intervene Taiwan domestic politics.

Secondly, the Chinese Communist Party has deprived Taiwan people rights of the right to participate in almost all international organizations that incur functional necessities for Taiwan’s survival. For example, Taiwanese people urge the international community to support Taiwan to participate in WHO (World Health Organization).

But during the SARS epidemic in 2003, WHO experts came to Taiwan only after the approval of Beijing, which was several weeks after we lost the lives of 70 Taiwanese people. Even in this kind of emergency situation, Beijing still tried to stop humanitarian aids from international community.

Another example is that Taiwan would like to contribute ourselves to the international society in some territory’s activities. In 2005, I think, there was a Tsunami in Southeast Asia, around Indonesia and Indian Ocean. Taiwanese people and the government donated more than 60 million US dollars of food and aids to this area. But in fact, Taiwanese representatives were not invited by the UN Commission, who coordinates all of the relief efforts, to the conference. So, what happened was that we had to use some other way to ship in our food and aids in Tsunami relief.

Even more bizarre, during the earthquake in Pakistan Kashmir area, in 2006 I think, Taiwan sent out 100 people of rescue team in order to rescue those who were suffering earthquake in Pakistan Kashmir area. Our rescue team was actually grounded in Thailand because the Pakistan Authority would not issue a visa for our rescue team to go into the Kashmir area to help those who suffered. This kind of situation, of course you understand that, was because that the Pakistan Authority was subject to tremendous pressures from the Chinese government. It is not surprise our rescue team would not get any visa to get into the Kashmir area.

This is to show you how China tried to suppress internally and externally all of its opponents. I tend to say weak opponents, for example, in China those who suffer from oppressions tend to be those without any weapon to fight against the Communist Regime. They are individual people, human rights lawyers, and farmers, probably the underclass in China.

Internationally, Taiwan, Tibet or other countries were subject to China’s tremendous pressures. We are talking here about the human rights not about the sovereign status because we understand that the UN Charter granted everybody to have human rights, to have rights to be protected. Because of the Chinese Government’s arbitrations, Taiwanese people cannot be looked after by all of the international organizations and the UN.

In conclusion, if there is any thing consistent in the above mentioned cases, that is the Chinese Communist Party Regime will continue to oppress weak opponents like Taiwan internationally or its weak dissidents in China, in order to maintain its one party dominance status in China. The Chinese Communist Party’s catch word-stability overrules anything else, already shows the Chinese Communist Party’s mentality to suppress all dissidents by all means.

But I think that justice and fairness will never let the Chinese Communist Party off the hook. We should urge the powerful nations like United Nations and European Union in the world to join together in fighting for Chinese people, Chinese people’s rights and for promoting democracy in China.

Only when the powerful nations act together will China listen and change. I just want to mention to you an article in this week issue in the Business Weekly; the title is Can China be fixed?

I think it can. If China adopts democracy and respects human rights, China will be fixed.

Thank you﹗
