

【大紀元8月20日訊】台灣國立成功大學資深執行副校長馮達旋教授(Professor Da Hsuan Feng)將於8月下旬蒞臨華府,大華府地區成功大學校友會趁此良機,訂於8月23日在維州漢宮大酒樓舉行餐會「歡迎馮副校長蒞臨華府」。

馮副校長曾於去年中秋節前夕蒞臨華府,有校友22人出席9月23日〈星期日〉的歡迎晚宴,親身見識到馮副校長的「馮式活力」與「馮式魅力」。馮副校長俱遠見、有能力、重實務、能創新、行銷力強、行動力快,出席校友們深慶母校又延攬到一傑出的執行長才。馮副校長生於印度、長於新加波、受教於美國、學貫東西、擅中英文、會上海話、閩南話、粵語等,一句道地的「Woa Got Li Gon」〈我跟你講啦〉,立即拉近了校友們與馮副校長的距離。


地點:漢宮大酒樓〈1100 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22209電話:703-525-5317〉


聯絡人:夏玲〈703-759-7259,chushirley@gmail.com〉、李春綢〈703-799-8183, ttwhatley@cox.net〉


Dear NCKU Alumni,

The NCKU Senior VP, Dr. Da Hsuan Feng (馮達旋), will be visiting Washington, DC next week, and would like to meet with our alumni here. You are cordially invited to attend a casual dinner with Dr. Feng and learn about the latest information on our Alma Mater. We look forward to a great time together.

The dinner arrangement is as follows:

Time: Saturday, Aug. 23, 2008 7PM

Place: China Garden Restaurant, 1100 Wilson Blvd, Rosslyn, VA

Fee: $20 (estimate)

Contact: Shirley Chu (夏 玲) 703-759-7259 or chushirley@gmail.com
