

EZTALK 好用句   Vocabulary

Jack: Of course not—you need your 1)nutrition. And you look great. Speaking of nutrition, is there anything I can get you?

Carol: Well, since you 2)brought it up, I could use a steak, medium rare, some chocolate chip ice cream, and some macaroni and cheese.

Jack: Ha-ha. Is that all? Coming right up, honey. About Labor Day—how about having a 9)house party?

Carol: But most people take advantage of the three-day weekend to get out of town.

Jack: Exactly, which means traffic will be a 3)nightmare. That’s why it’s the perfect time to enjoy a nice 4)staycation.






好用句 pay a visit 拜访

visit 在这个词组里当名词用,而 visit 本身也可以当动词,因此下面对话中的第一句也可以说 What do you say we visit Aunt Ellie while we’re in San Francisco?

A: What do you say we pay a visit to Aunt Ellie while we’re in San Francisco? 我们到旧金山时去探望爱丽阿姨如何?

B: That’s a great idea. We haven’t seen her in ages. 好主意。我们好久没见到她了。


1) nutrition (n.) 营养,营养成分 Good nutrition is important for growing children. 营养良好对成长中的孩子极为重要。

2) bring up (phr.) 谈到,提及 If you’re concerned about your weight, you should bring it up with your doctor. 如果担心自己的体重,应该跟医生讨论。

3) nightmare (n.) 梦靥,恶梦 Going through customs and immigration was a nightmare. 过海关及入境审查真是恶梦一场。

4) staycation (n.) 足不出户的度假,居家度假。是 stay 加上 vacation合成的字 If you can’t afford a vacation, why not take a staycation? 如果负担不起出去度假,何不在家度假?@

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