


• 比尔.盖茨夫人,梅琳达.盖茨/ 比尔和梅琳达盖茨基金会联合创办人


“Make sure you continue to trust what you know now about yourself and stay true to what you believe in.”

• 美国知名脱口秀节目主持人、演员、制片人和慈善家奥普拉OPrah Winfray

“你已经浪费了太多时间试图去取悦别人或成为他人眼中的理想的你。你要知道,过去你受到的伤害是你不能被允许在伤害过后表示出愤怒或哭出来 – 这恰恰伤害了你的自尊。但经历这一切之后,你要依然相信上帝,并且相信上帝依然对你有信心。”

“You’ve spent too many days and years trying to please others and be what they wanted you to be. You will have to learn that the wounds of your past and not being allowed to show anger or cry afterward – damaged your self-esteem. Yet through it all, you’ve held on to a belief in God and God’s belief in you.”

• 世界知名女记者安曼普Christianna Amanpour




3,家庭非常重要── 一个亲密、关爱和支持你的家庭将帮助你坚持为自己的梦想走下去,无论在你顺利或遇到困难的时候。


“I wish I could tell my 15-year-old self these four things:

1. Never think you can’t do anything because you are a woman; everything is open to you as a girl. The future is yours.

2. Have a dream, a goal and vision for yourself and work single-mindedly toward it — not just professionally but personally as well.

3. Family is very important – a close, loving, supportive family will sustain you through all your ambitions – when things go well and when they don’t.

4. Perhaps the most important thing I could say is to never be thrown by failure and mistakes. Each and everything that happens, even if it was not what you hoped that would happen, is a valuable, life-learning tool. And you will only achieve success if you know how to learn fro your failures and mistakes. It’s vital.”

• 约旦王后蕊妮娅阿卜杜拉(Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdulah of Jordan)

“人们做事各有不同,这没什么!从先于你走过这条路的人那里借鉴经验,但要走出自己的路。探索、尝试、保持不同,而且不要惧怕失败── 每个人都要经历失败。”

“People do things differently, and that’s OK! Learn from those who walked the road before you, but carve your own path. So be different, explore the twists and turns on your way, and don’t fear the occasional fall – it is part of every journey.”

• 麦乐妮维尔(Melanne Verveer),世界妇女问题美国巡回大使


“As a 15-year old, I had a subscription to the Congressional Record and to all the US newsweeklies. I went to the school library every day to read the New York Times. I went to school not far from New York City and every chance I got, I would try to go to the UN to listen to debates that were open to the public. I wanted my peers to be more engaged, so I started a group in school called ‘Student America’ to focus on the issues and to discuss them. In short, I was a complete nerd. But looking back, I would still say to my 15-year-old self:Keep doing. Follow your passion, become engaged in the world and stay true to yourself.”

• 英国前首相布莱尔夫人,杰西布莱尔/ 杰西布莱尔妇女基金会创始人


“Don’t be discouraged if there aren’t enough role models paving the way for you. Imagine the future as you want it to be and you will succeed.”
