

【大纪元2017年01月09日讯】8日,好莱坞动作巨星范‧迪塞尔(Vin Diesel,又译:冯‧迪索 )在Instagram贴出一支视频,称中国功夫明星甄子丹“是一位伟大的天才”,也赞他是“一位罕见的完美主义者”。

作为《极限特工3》(xXx: The Return of Xander Cage)的男主角,范‧迪塞尔分享了与甄子丹和鲁比‧洛斯(Ruby Rose)共同出演此片的经历。他特别评价甄子丹道:“他是一位伟大的天才和伟大的朋友。我们和孩子和家人在一起度过假日。”


@donnieyenofficial is such a great talent and such a great friend. Our children and families have spent holidays together. He is a rare perfectionist which is something We welcomed gladly into the xXx Franchise. @rubyrose is an angel I have had the great fortune of knowing and creating a sacred bond with. The relationship between our characters in the new xXx will be something Hollywood will acknowledge as new and fresh… a sort of gender-irrelevant bromance we haven’t seen in film. She is truly just wonderful.  I am proud to share the new #legend cover with these two amazing talents.

A video posted by Vin Diesel (@vindiesel) on

