
职场英语 :面试篇—谢绝职务



1) I抎 like to tell you that you can come to work for us.


2) I am sorry but I just accepted another offer that I feel is more suitable to my needs.


3) I really appreciate your offer, but I must decline it.


4) Frankly speaking, I have been thinking that the position is not right for me after the interview.


5) I really think that position suits my education background better.



(A=Applicant I=Interviewer)

Dialogue 1

I: Hello, is that Mr. Sun? This is Mrs Smith with ABC Corp.

A: Yes, this is Sunlin.

I: I抎 like to tell you that you can come to work for us.

A: Oh, I am sorry, but I just accepted another offer that I feel is more suitable to my needs.

I: I see.

A: I really appreciate your offer, but I must decline it.

I: You are welcome. Please call us if you change your mind.

A: I will. Thank you.

I: 你好,孙先生吗?我是ABC公司的史密斯女士。

A: 是的,我是孙林。

I: 我想告诉你你可以来我们公司工作了。

A: 哦,很抱歉,我刚刚接受了另一个我认为更符合我要求的工作。

I: 我知道了。

A: 非常感谢贵公司的录用,但我不得不拒绝它。

I: 不用客气,如果你改变了主意,可以打电话给我们。

A: 我会的,谢谢你。

Dialogue 2

I: Mr. Sun, this is Mrs Smith at ABC. I am calling to offer you the Sales Manager position. I am wondering if you are still interested in it.

A: Frankly speaking, I have been thinking that the position is not right for me.

I: Really, what changed your mind?

A: I think there is too much responsibility for me. I wonder if I can handle it.

I: I am sure you can.

A: But I have my doubts, and I don抰 want to accept a position that I don抰 think I will be happy in.

I: You are right.

A: But thank you for the offer. Good luck.

I: 孙先生,我是ABC公司的史密斯女士。我打电话是想告诉你销售经理一职你已被录用了。我不知道你还有没有兴趣。

A: 坦白地说,面试后我一直认为这个工作不适合我。

I: 是吗,是什么让你改变了主意?

A: 我认为这份工作要承担的责任太多了,我不知道能否应付得了。

I: 我相信你能应付的。

A: 但我怀疑我自己,我不想接受一份自己感到不快乐的工作。

I: 你说得对。

A: 但还是非常感谢你的录用。祝你好运。

Dialogue 3

A: Hello, this is Sunlin, may I speak to Mrs. Smith?

I: Yes, this is Mrs Smith. Mr. Sun, have you received our letter?

A: Yes, Mrs Smith. I am just calling to thank you for your offer. But I am sorry to tell you I have accepted another position.

I: May I ask why?

A: I really think that position suits my educational background better. What抯 more, that company will supply me with an apartment, you know I haven抰 my own house and I have to rent.

I: I see.

A: 你好,我是孙林,我可以和史密斯女士讲话吗?

I: 我就是史密斯。孙先生,你收到我们给你的信了吗?

A: 我收到了,我打电话就是感谢贵公司的录用,不过非常遗憾地告诉你,我已经接受了另一个职位。

I: 我可以问为什么吗?

A: 我觉得那个职位非常符合我的教育背景,而且那个公司会为我提供一套住房,我没有自己的房子,必须租房子住。

I: 我明白。

suitable 合适的,相配的 offer 提供

decline 拒绝 handle 处理

supply sb with sth 供应,提供 rent 租用

Your words should be professional and courteous [有礼貌的]. You may be turning down this position, but you might want to be considered for future opportunities. Savvy [悟性] job seekers use every possible chance to thank each person with whom you interviewed and wish them and their company continued success.

1) I just accepted another offer that I feel is more suitable to my needs.

more right for me

more interesting to me

我刚接受了另一份我觉得 更能满足我需要 的工作。



2) I don抰 want to accept a position that I don抰 think I will be happy in.

offers me too little salary

can抰 supply me with an apartment

我不想接受 一份我觉得不会让我快乐 的工作。



文章来源 : 旺旺英语 www.wwenglish.com