














L’Emission interrompant de NTDTV Egale a Enveloppe Nos Yeux et Nos Oreilles

Une Lettre Ouverte a EutelSat de l’Universite de Chine Future

Disrupting NTDTV Broadcast Equals to Covering up Our Eyes and Ears

An Open Letter to EutelSat from University of Future China

Mr. President Giuliano Berretta,

Every director of board and employee of EutelSat,

The TV signal covering mainland China transmitted by NTDTV, a client of your company, has been disrupted for over half a month. On the globe, the TV station is the only one free media having the courage to tell truth and disclose the lies and tyranny of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). So now that its signal is disrupted just indicates the light of truth shielded by darkness. Due to your suspending the contracted service, several tens of millions of Chinese people are once again blinded and deafened. They are supposed to know what’s genuinely happening in mainland China through NTDTV but instead isolated from the air of freedom for the time being.

Since launching the broadcast to mainland China through your satellite in 2004, NTDTV has been standing CCP’s high pressure and gagging. Nowadays freedom and democracy are already prevailing all over the world, while CCP still holds on its despotic dictatorship. NTDTV is brave in saying no to CCP, rejecting its bribe, not fearing its intimidation and menace, and firmly holding the invaluable moral spirit of humankind. Frankly speaking, it is a good model for freedom of speech and information, and righteous powers. It is the hope of Chinese nation, either.

CCP is most afraid of that its ugly sides are exposed as what it does is the most dirty, which it desperately keeps from being seen under the sunlight by others. In mainland China, CCP treats the control and blockade of press and media in top priority, raising a gigantic propaganda apparatus of more than ten million officials conducting its obscurant. Meanwhile, it has unscrupulously put huge investment and tremendous manpower and material resources (300,000 internet policemen, almost equivalent to the total population of a small country) in blocking out our free access to internet information, attempting to prevent the truth from being disclosed. Why CCP focuses on media and internet so much? Because it is illegitimate of the rule of CCP that got started as gangsters relying on lies and tyranny and is maintained by carrying out slaughter and suppression terroristically. Only by tightly censoring the press and media and thus turning them into its mouthpiece calling white black and confounding right and wrong, can CCP prevent masses from opposing its rule because of their hardly getting aware of the truth.

When domestic media is totally under the control of CCP, NTDTV provides us a window for understanding the real China and the world. We got to know how many sorts of abuse of human rights conducted by CCP, how CCP suppressed college students in ‘6.4’ Tiananmen incident, how CCP inhumanly harvests organs alive from Falun Gong practitioners,how CCP crucially strikes and oppresses righteous democracy advocates (e.g., Gao Zhisheng, Hu Jia) in the name of securely hosting the Olympic Games, how CCP officials indecently use power and corrupt immoderately, how CCP actually persecutes Tibetans while slandering them as “national separatists”, and how CCP’s economic growth is at the cost of sacrificing the living environment for people in mainland China. China will revive only when the rascal CCP is eliminated. This conclusion has been verified with the miseries, tears of blood, and even the cost of lives of masses. The accomplishment of NTDTV in verifying this conclusion cannot be effaced.

As a company operating commercial satellites, it is unalterable to pursue benefits. However, during such pursue, if the disruption of a free media of a contracted partner attributes to the yield to another party, thus blinding and deafening the people accessing the true information through the disrupted media, the benefits obtained in this way is inglorious. Presently CCP seems superficially powerful, capable of misleading operations of major IT service providers, including your company, in different ways. But after all, the authoritarian regime is coming to its end and China is at the critical turning point from dictatorship to democracy. In the near future, those who is helpful in making contribution to this historical process will gain extremely high credit, revered by the populace across China and even around the world. And vice versa, you know what. To collaborate with CCP may bring about short-term profits, yet the enterprises conforming to the historical trend will deserve unlimited long-term gains. Be prudent in making such a choice, please.

We strongly call on EutelSat to unsuspend the broadcast of NTDTV, bringing the truth and facts to the masses in mainland China and taking the blinders off their eyes put up by CCP forcibly. You will gain the highest honor due to safeguarding justice. And, Chinese people will appreciate your company’s efforts in this perspective, and the people around the world will admire you all too.

All teachers and students of University of Future China as well as some chatroomers of http://bbs.futurechinaforum.org

(Left-handed signatures)

July 4, 2008(http://www.dajiyuan.com)
