



Luxury Cars Losing Their Shine?


本則英語影音新聞及出處:新唐人電視台英語新聞 http://english.ntdtv.com/?c=156&a=5268(可線上觀看)


1. display: v.n. 展示

2. luxury: n. 奢侈品

3. financial: a. 財政的

4. crisis: n. 危機

5. established: a. 已建立的

6. brand: a. 品牌

7. debut: n. 首次登場

8. euros: n. 歐元

9. current: a. 當前的

10. bonus: n. 獎金、特別補助

11. purchase: v.n. 購買

12. shrink: v.n. 縮小、退縮

13. expose: v. 使暴露、揭露

14. premium: a.高價的

STORY: Super cars for the super rich on display at the Paris Car Show.


Many said there’d always be a market for luxury. But in the dark days of the global financial crisis, even some of the auto industry’s established luxury brands are feeling the crunch.


Bentley was debuting its Arnage Final Series in Paris – it’s a top-end model costing over 320 000 euros. But even the favorite car maker of the upper classes is feeling the pinch.

但即使最討喜的高級房車製造商也受到金融危機的影響。賓利在巴黎推出 Arnage Final Series(雅緻最終系列)車款,它的頂級模型耗資超過320,000歐元。

[Michael Mayer, Europe Regional Director, Bentley]:

“There is obviously one customer group which is more dependent on the current situation, which is the people that make money out the financial market that might even have used bonuses to support their purchases and they have shrunk, yes, and America is particularly exposed to that of course.”


Although Bentley says this is only one part of their business, other premium car makers are worrying about what the coming months have in store.



1. remain: v. 保持、剩下

2. at least: phr. 至少

3. upbeat: a. 樂觀的

4. launch: v. 發動、開辦

5. showroom: n. 展示廳

6. executive: adj. 執行的

7. design: v. 設計

8. distinctive: a. 特殊的

9. position: n. 地位、職位

10. achieve: v. 達成

11. performance: n. 表演

12. emerging markets: 新興市場

BMW, the world’s largest premium car maker, expects the global car market to remain difficult at least during the first half of 2009.


And Ferrari thinks it should be able to sell the same number of cars, if not more, in 2008 as it did last year.


But Nissan’s sounding more upbeat. They’ve just launched their “Infiniti” luxury brand in Europe with the opening of a Paris showroom and plan to open another thirteen by the end of the year.

而日產汽車公司Nissan則更樂觀。他們剛在歐洲推出 Infiniti 豪華品牌,也在巴黎開了一家汽車展示廳,並計劃今年底之前再開13家展示廰。

[Carlos Tavares, Executive Vice President, Nissan]:

“Our design is very very distinctive and by taking that position we believe that we can achieve a reasonable performance because we are different.”


And while luxury brands are being hardest hit in established markets like the United States and Europe, they’re also pinning their hopes on emerging markets like Russia and China to help boost sales during difficult times.


