

Souls Awakened







































Many of the inmates had given up on themselves, and their family had also despaired of them.

Dafa practitioners’ compassion and kindness toward them made them begin to see the hope of life.

While laboring in the factory, we made use of every opportunity to introduce Dafa to them, and tell them they were not “scum” as the guards constantly insulted them, they were also precious lives, and their lives could also have wonderful significance.

The guards forbade talking at labor, so we tried our best not to move our lips while talking.

Gradually, some inmates started learning Master Li’s poems from us, and started quitting dirty language, fighting, lying, stealing…

They said they must study Dafa after getting out, and that having a righteous faith in their hearts, they would not go astray anymore.

Twenty-six-year-old Chi had been put in four times as an addict. Witnessing Dafa practitioners’ resistance to the evil persecution, she admired Dafa practitioners very much.

I quietly taught her Master Li’s poems while we were cellmates.

She changed for the better so swiftly the whole brigade was shaken. Quite a few inmates quietly said to me, “Teacher Tang! Please teach me Falun Gong! I want to learn Falun Gong too! Look how good Chi has become! I want to become good too!”

The guards hastened to transfer Chi to another cell. There were also Dafa practitioners in the cell. Chi carried on learning from them.

I remembered one day, Chi stood by the cell window quietly looking out at the sky. “Chi, what are you thinking about?” I asked softly.

Chi turned and said to me quietly, “I was thinking that, while I had become so bad and had given up on myself, Master Li didn’t. He still came to save me…”

One day, Jen, a girl in her early twenties, was put in Chatou and became my cellmate. She wept bitterly because the guards had roughly had all her hair cut, suspecting that she had germs in her hair.

Qing, a Dafa practitioner in the cell, patiently listened to her, comforted her, and tolerated her hot temper with great compassion.

The girl felt warmth. She began listening to Qing talking about how Dafa taught us to be a good person. She started changing for the better rapidly.

The brigade chief summoned her to the office and scolded her hard. “You are not allowed to talk to Falun Gong!”

“I enjoy talking to them. I respect them. I’ve been learning a lot from them.”

“I’ll prolong your time in the forced labor camp!”

“Do as you please.”

“I’ll cuff you and beat you up!”

“Do as you please.”

The girl kept on talking to Dafa practitioners and learning Master Li’s poems from us fearlessly, completely disregarding the guards’ threats.

Her courage shook evil, thereby creating for herself a very rare exception in the forced labor camp: She could talk to Dafa practitioners freely. Nobody dared interfere.

Twenty-five-year-old Lee had longed to be able to meet Dafa practitioners in the forced labor camp as well since meeting a few Dafa practitioners in a detention center.

Then one day, the guards suddenly had her sit beside me in the factory.

I gave her a small smile and talked to her quietly. Delight written all over her face, the girl immediately started talking to me, “I have been on drugs for many years and nearly been killed many times. I would have given up on myself if it weren’t for my family’s love.”

She secretly gave the letters her family wrote her for me to read.

As I read the letters, my heart was filled with compassion, feeling obligated to help the despairing girl.

Then I told her my story, telling her how Dafa had saved me.

The girl’s benevolent nature was swiftly awakened by Dafa. “I know how I should walk my path ahead now. After getting out of here, I’ll study Dafa, become good and not have my family worry about me anymore.”

The guards separated us upon noticing our closeness, threatening her that they would harass her family if she carried on talking to me.

Through a friend of hers, who cooked for the guards, she passed on a candy and a message to me.

Even a candy was extremely precious in the forced labor camp.

And her message said: “I am a Dafa practitioner-to-be. Please don’t worry.”

One of my cellmates was a strong-built, innocent countrywoman in her thirties. Her stay in the forced labor camp had been prolonged by nine months, because she gave drinking water to the Dafa practitioners suffering tortures, instead of following the guards’ order to torture them.

Ordinary inmates would wail bitterly if their stay in this hell was prolonged by even one day. So I asked her if she felt regretful.

She said smilingly, “I don’t feel regretful. I respect Dafa practitioners very much. I’ll become one of you soon. Last night, I dreamed of Master Li. Master Li presented me with a copy of Zhuan Falun. Nine months will speed by. I’m now feeling very peaceful and happy.”
