





Sunset / ink and color painting

When I made this painting, I first moistened the paper, and then applied pigments and ink, allowing them to mix as they wished. I then took a break for a while and browsed the Internet.

The ink had already dried after a few games of chess, so I went to work tidying up the painting. Because it’s hard to predict or control how the spots and patches of ink will flow and mix, I never know what kind of painting will result. Nevertheless, this is exactly why making spattered ink paintings is so entertaining.

The spattered ink painting method probably goes back to ancient times. The ancients must have sometimes carelessly spilled ink when writing or painting, creating ink and wash effects on the paper—there must have been plenty of opportunities for this. And after the ink had dried, motivated by curiosity or playfulness, some people would certainly have used apparent strokes or patches of color to create distinguishable compositions. It is nevertheless strange that few spattered ink paintings have been preserved from ancient times.@

