






有很多东西是短命的,譬如朝生暮死的蜉蝣,譬如入夜才开花半夜即枯萎的昙花,还 有,还有……嗨,不必还有了,人生即使活上百岁,和宇宙的千秋万世相比,有什么 资格嘲笑蜉蝣和昙花呢?难道还不只是一瞬?

任你飞黄腾达,声名赫赫,得意非凡,雄姿英发,或是穷愁潦倒,隐姓埋名,僻处一 隅,郁郁终身,一瞬就是一瞬,又能怎样呢?


但是,只要曾经灿烂地活过,只要曾经辉煌地活过,一瞬可以是万世,一瞬可以是不 朽,一瞬可以是永恒!


Meteor     Hsu  ChiCheng

A meteor shoots in the silent night, shoots across the blue sky, shoots across the deep night sky…

A meteor shoots, carries a bunch of brilliant light…

A meteor shoots, at present, in front of the eyes…

A meteor shoots, after it has brilliant for a period of time, after it has splendid for a period of time…

A meteor shoots, in the night sky of heart, leaves a wipe of splendid, a wipe of forever…

There are many die young in the universe, for instance, the mayfly of short life, the broad-leaves epiphyllum likes the morning dew, in addition, in addition…hi, don’t need to say in addition, even life has hundred years, is there any qualification for you to compare to universe for all generations to come? Surely it doesn’t mean that it just a moment?

In spite of you are highly successful in your career, in great reputation, favourite unusual, heroic posture, or poor and sad and careless and sloppy, conceal the name, live in a remote corner, melancholy whole the life, a moment is a moment, how can you do about it?

Time is water drip drop by drop, flows in the forever river, a moment, a moment, and again

a moment…

However, just lived brilliantly, lived splendid, may a moment is an eternity, a moment may be immortality, a moment can be forever!

Oh, a meteor shoots…@
