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Where is the inspiration come from?

There are many author, they write more and more, the works manufacture incessantly, the more splendid the more they depict, how many are their inspiration like that? Where are they come from? How long are they stored in advance? Surely it doesn’t exhaust.

For a person make up his mind in writing, how can he do while his inspiration is exhausted at last?

During the early period, I often linger in my mind with these questions, often suspect my writing ability, no self confidence can write for long time, often feel that the theme will be finished one day, inspiration will be exhausted one day, I don’t know how to do at that time.

However, I write incessantly for ten to twenty years, it not only not search no theme, but also more and more of inspiration, theme is not exhaust. Till now, I come to realize inspiration is more and more we apply, not less and less or come to an end while we apply. Inspiration will generate naturally while we strive to think, strive to observe, hardworking to learn through practice.

Why the well applies more often, the water taste sweet, the water is muddy and foul while we not apply it? Why the knife will rust while we not apply, and more apply it will keen? Why the beam easy to has moth and pivot not?…I’m now suddenly see the whole thing in a clear light while it can not realized before.

It’s no fault. It just the water not flow will muddy, the machinery will rust while not apply, and the head will become foolish while not think about…

It’s no fault. The pivot will not be moth—eaten, the flowing water will not muddy, the more apply the more the knife will keen, the more we apply the more the

inspiration is, the more smooth more the pen use in writing…@
