
cannot unsubscribe




Dear Sir/Madam,

According to enclosed instruction, I send mail to zhen-yi@charter.net for removing my address from your mailing list, I tried more than 50 times in the past 3 months. It seems no one is doing the job.

To start with, I did not subscribe to DAJIYUAN, and I have no idea where and how you obtained my email address. At the worse time I received 20 DAJIYUAN mails in one day from different senders.

Now, all I am asking is PLEASE kindly remove my address from your

mailing list and I do not wish to receive more from you. My address is

(email_1, omitted) and (email_2, omitted) . In addition, would you

also ask your name list supplier to remove my address as well.

Thank you for your cooperation.


(sender name omitted)


(sender name omitted),

We apologize for this! We do not know who subscribed your email address. This email service is mainly for mainland readers in China, because of the internet blockage in China.

Our technical person checked that (email_1, omitted) has been unsubscribed many times, but not (email_2, omitted). Maybe this or other technical defect at our web caused this problem . We’ll try to improve it. We just removed your email address.

Again, sorry for causing your such trouble. If it happens again, please DO send email to this account, we’ll try to solve it immediately.

best regards!


Epochtimes web editor


(sender name omitted),

We checked our data. The reason that (email_1, omitted) was not unsubscribed, is because we only received emails with from address of (email_1, omitted), not (email_2, omitted) and this is set by your mail server.

best regards!

Epochtimes Tech Support
