

【大纪元10月23日讯】(Michael Liu, Central College向本网提供的学术报告简介)

Seminar by学术报告人: 闻集普 医师 (Dr. Dan Wen), 3 hours

Time时间: 14:30-17:30, Friday, Nov.12th, 2004(星期五)

Location地点: Classroom 201, Central College, 6855 Kingsway, Burnaby

Language语言: Both English and Chinese

闻医师毕业于湖北中医学院,获中西医结合硕士学位,并在美国Mayo Clinic 及Washington University School of Medicine St. Louis从事消化道疾病的研究,现为本草制药株式会社美国公司总裁,该公司支持的两个”本草”牌(Honso)小柴胡汤治疗慢性肝病在美国的二期临床研究均得到FDA的IND批准,已取得阶段结果。


Dr. Dan Wen will provide an overview of “the Japan model” of integrating Chinese herbal medicine with modern science. He will describe a roadmap for easily navigating the complexities of Chinese herbal medicine and its application to modern-day conditions such as chronic liver diseases, cancer and women’s health issues. This seminar will also serve to bridge the gap between classroom study and the clinical setting in a practical, easy-to-use format. Highlights of the presentation include:

. Clinical and laboratory research from Japan on some of the best classical Chinese formulas

. Main focus will be on hepatitis C, cancer metastasis, stress and anxiety, menopause and dysmenorrhea

. Introduction of modern Kampo manufacturing of standardized formulas

Dr. Dan Wen has over 20 years of clinical and laboratory research experience in the use and integration of Chinese herbal and Western medicines in China and the United States. His accomplishments include an award winning research program at Guangzhou TCM University China, a 3-year research fellowship in gastroenterology at Mayo Clinic; research at Washington University School of Medicine on the absorption of vitamin B12 (supported by a grant from the NIH); and has authored numerous research papers. He is currently the President of Honso USA Inc. of Phoenix Arizona.

