

【大纪元3月17日讯】读者投书。以下为中国学生学者联谊会(CSSA)的成员转发的电子邮件及附件﹐标题为”CSSA URGENT:Fwd:taiwan-referendum”。



近获悉,来自佛罗里达州的众议员Peter Deutsch现正试图说服美国所有的参众议员,希望他们能联署签名支持陈水扁将于3月20日举行的所谓“防御性公投”。现请大家以联谊会的名义,并号召尽可能多的中国学生学者以个人的名义,给自己所在州的参众议员发E-Mail,希望他们不要支持陈水扁的错误行径,伤害广大中国人民的感情。(我的附件中提供了给参众议员去信的大概主要内容,你们可仔细阅读,做出必要的修改或补充,但要注意语气诚恳;他们的E-Mail地址也在附件中)






Information for Reference

It has been reported that Congressman Peter Deutsch from Florida is pushing hard to have other Congressmen and Senators to co-sign an open statement to support Taiwan leader Chen Shui-bian’s plan for the so-called “defensive referendum”. This development has aroused my great concern.

For the sake of seeking his personal ‘re-election’ and in defiance of the fundamental interests of the people in Taiwan and the welfare of people across the Taiwan Strait, Chen Shui-bian has insisted on pushing ahead the so-called “defensive referendum” along with the “Presidential” election on March 20, 2004. Chen’s act has stirred up indignation and condemnation of the Chinese people all over the world including the Taiwan compatriots and has met widespread opposition and query of the international community.

Whichever excuse Chen Shui-bian used to initiate the referendum, no matter how the referendum was packaged, it cannot cover up Chen’s vicious plot to pave the way for a future independence plebiscite. The referendum, which was imposed by Chen to the Taiwan people, has the least practice of democracy. It is meant to provoke the mainland, heighten tension across the Taiwan Strait and unilaterally change the cross-strait status quo. It has nothing to do with the democracy of Taiwan and does no good to the peace of Taiwan, and also goes to the opposite direction of Taiwan compatriots’ appeal for peace, stability and development. Instead of deepening Taiwan’s democracy, it is a design to mislead and manipulate the Taiwan people. It severely hurts the feelings of the 1.3 billion Chinese people including Taiwan compatriots, and poses a major threat to the peace and stability of Asia-Pacific region and endangers the security and interest of surrounding countries as well.

I am (We are) greatly infuriated by and worried about Chen Shui-bian’s separatist activities, which are seriously undermining the political basis of US-China cooperation and the two countries’ common interests. We have no reasons to support any of Chen’s personal gambles. President Bush noted recently that the US government sticks to the One China policy, observes the three US-China communiqués and is against Taiwan independence. He also mentioned that the recent statements and proposals coming out of Taiwan that imply a desire to change the status quo are quite upsetting, and the US opposes any unilateral attempt to change the status quo.

I hope you, Congressman XX (or Senator XX), recognize clearly Chen Shui-bian’s duplicity and the risk of Taiwan independence, stick to the “one China” policy and oppose Chen’s conspiracy to alter Taiwan’s status quo through the referendum. Please do not co-sign the open statement proposed by Congressman Deutsch, so as not to send any wrong signals to the Taiwan people and the international community.(http://www.dajiyuan.com)

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