

【大纪元5月2日讯】(大纪元记者魏毅报导) 美中南孟菲斯地区一年一度的“孟菲斯五月节”以三天的BEALE街音乐节拉开序幕﹐来自各地的乐队﹑歌星和五万余歌迷云集孟城。

被称为RAP巨星的NELLY以一碟“Country Grammar”畅销九百万张﹐第二张碟“Nellyville”更为他赢得两项格来美奖。

如果你熟悉电影主题曲“I Will Remember You”﹐你一定知道通俗歌手Sarah McLachlan。今年是集歌手与歌词作者于一身的Sarah McLachlan首次在孟菲斯BEALE街音乐节演出。

其他歌手和乐队还有﹕首次亮相BEALE街音乐节的歌手Trey Anastasio属于Phish’s乐队﹔ 以一曲“Hard to Handle”成名并销出多张白金唱片的Black Crowes乐队﹐在全国巡回展中特到孟菲斯一停﹔Staple Singers的领唱Mavis Staples女士从1969年就出名﹐1999年被收入“摇滚名人馆” 并获得格来美协会Staple Singers终生成就奖﹔来自夏威宜的Jack Johnson从著名冲浪运动员一举转业成为摇滚明星﹐这是第二次到孟城演出。

参加表演的还有2005年HANDY奖提名人﹑蓝调传奇的Guitar Shorty﹐他是Evidence唱片公司的签约吉他演员﹔Los Lonely Boys“寂寞男孩”乐队由来自西德克萨斯州小镇的三兄弟组成﹐他们年龄在21岁到25岁之间﹐今年初以一曲“Heaven” 获格来美奖﹔The Killers乐队被认为是最好的摇滚乐队之一﹐去年夏天以一曲“Somebody Told Me”震动通俗乐坛﹔来自费城的数来宝(RAP)乐队The Roots被认为是该行业最好的乐队﹔The Wallflowers乐队1998年获得格来美最佳摇滚歌曲和最佳摇滚表演奖﹐在90年代与其他乐队一起共同复兴了“根源摇滚”(Roots Rock)。

Photo﹕Heather Goodman and Dorene Goodman from Shreveport Louisiana drove five hours to Memphis. They are watching Lisa Marie Presley performance at Autozone Stage. Lisa is Evlis Presley”s daughter. 来自路易斯安纳州的Goodman母女正在观看摇滚之王Evlis Presley的女儿Lisa Marie Presley的表演。(Epoch Times Image)

Photo: “Beale Street Music Festival” super fan Miss Vicki Smith from Dayton Ohio drove to Memphis TN to enjoy the music for 13 years in a row. 超级歌迷Vicki Smith连续十三年从俄亥俄州来孟菲斯参加BEALE街音乐节。(Epoch Times Image)

Photo: Before the performance, Percussion Marcos J. Reyes and Drummer Sal Rod Riguez from Band “WAR” sneak out for a rest. 趁着演出前的空闲﹐WAR乐队的打击乐手马可斯和鼓手萨尔溜出来透透气。(Epoch Times Image)

Photo: Ms. Jana Gilbertson from Memphis TN and Mr. Norm McKay from Calgary Canada. 还有远道从加拿大的加尔各里来的歌迷。(Epoch Times Image)

Photo: Emily Kohler and her friends from Southwest Missouri State University:Savah Stuart, Chuck Travers, Hanna Schultz, Abbey Steger, Misha, and Cole Amos. Emily said, “Its like Memphis in Mud, but mud is part of the fun.”来自密苏里西南州立大学的爱米莉-科尔说﹐“星期五的大雨之后﹐‘孟菲斯五月节’变成了‘孟菲斯泥浆节’﹐不过泥浆也很有趣。” (Epoch Times Image)

Phone: Band Chevelle’s fans John Sturdivant, Cole Childs, Steven Gary, Brad Brewer, Keith Burnett and Michael Lewis. 来自的CORDOVA的约翰和他的朋友们。(Epoch Times Image)

Photo: Ice-cold beer sells fast. Mr. David Collier,owner of the Corona Beer Booth, said the business on Saturday night was the best. 冰镇啤酒销路好﹐考勒先生的啤酒摊前排起了队。 (Epoch Times Image)

Photo: Crowd-surfing at NBA Rhythm’n Rim Stage when Chevelle is performing. 雪佛乐队令歌迷们热血沸腾﹐漂亮女孩们被举上头顶“人海冲浪”。(Epoch Times Image)

Photo: Southern style food and snacks. 南方美食一条街。(Epoch Times Image)

Photo: After 9-11 attack, the security is a major concern of every large scale event. 大型活动都有警察看着呢。(Epoch Times Image)

Photo: Lisa Marie Presley’s fans are watching her performance at Autozone Stage. “猫王”普莱斯列的女儿正在演出﹐歌迷成海。(Epoch Times Image)(http://www.dajiyuan.com)