

Ang Lee, Ziyi Zhang and Stephen Chow were among the prominent Asian nominees at the 2006 Golden Globe Awards


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Holywood’s Golden Globe Awards seem to be going Asian this year, as filmmaker Ang Lee brings home no less than four awards for his picture “Brokeback Mountain.” Other Asian actors and filmmakers to highlight the show were Steven Chow of “Kung FU Hustle” fame, and “Memoirs Of A Geisha”s Ziyi Zhang.


Filmmaker is one who produces or directs motion pictures. Filmmker就是指电影的制片人或导演,当然也可说是director.

“No less than” is used to show your surprise at a large number. No less than~, 多达,不少于,不少于,恰恰。

To highlight is to attract attention to or emphasize something important. 所以Highlight就是使显着、使突出、强调的意思。



A veritable Who’s Who of modern Asian cinema was on hand for the annual Golden Globe awards ceremony in Beverly Hills, California.


Veritable是“名副其实”的、“可以称的上是”的。Who’s Who is the name and position of each person, especially in an organization. Who’s who小写的话,就是某个组织内的成员名录。大写的话就是“名人录”,a book containing information about the world’s richest or most famous people,指世界上最富有、最有名的世界名人录。

“电影”至少有三种讲法,movie, film与cinema. 还有motion picture, big screen, silver screen,也都是指“电影”。



Stephen Chow, director of the best foreign language nominee “Kung Fu Hustle” was just happy to be on the red carpet.


Nominee, 是“被提名人”的意思,它的动词是nominate,“提名”。这是字尾加-ee,成为人的造成方式。如appoint(指定、任命), appointee(被指定人、受任命人);divorce(离婚), divorcee(离婚者);train(训练), trainee(实习生)。



[Chow]:”It’s a big surprise and I never expected for this (to happen) so I’m excited, nervous . .. everything.”



Novice ‘Geisha’ Ziyi Zhang seemed somewhat abashed yet thrilled when she crossed paths with George Clooney, and even more thrilled to be there as an unofficial representative of her homeland.


Novice是指“新手、初学者”,A novice is a person who is not experienced in a job or situation. 当然章子怡已经很出名的,但在电影界,她毕竟还算是刚出道的晚辈。

“Geisha” is a Japanese woman trained in music and dancing whose job is entertaining men. Geisha是在音乐与舞蹈方面受过训练的日本女人,她的工作是娱乐男性,称为“艺妓”。所以艺妓可不是妓女,妓女是指prostitute, whore, 或hooker。



[Zhang]: “I’m very happy to be here at the ceremony. I’m very proud to be here as a Chinese actress and be with all these fantastic actors and to be nominated. Whatever the result is it’s very exciting.”



When Ang Lee and his film were winners in quick succession, it seemed to confirm the going wisdom that the director and his provocative work of art had changed the minds of a lot of Americans.


Succession, 这里可没有“成功”的意思,而是“连续”之意。Succession means something happening one after another.

Going wisdom该怎么说呢?going是指“时下”,像going rate是说“现行利率”。wisdom一般作“智慧”解,但这儿只能当“看法、意见”讲,也就是opinion。

Provocative这个字很漂亮,“挑衅”的意思, causing an angry reaction, usually intentionally,一种会引人生气、愤怒的行为,经常是故事的。这里当然是指 ”Gay” 的议题。

如果你问David老师对Gay or Lesbian的看法,David老师坦白说:No Good. 有些事情的对与错,不能因为电影是否得奖来评断的。那你说我为何认为Homo不对,从生物的天性上讲,它是违反自然的,中国古老的智慧不是说吗:“一阴一阳之谓道”嘛!人们赞扬“爱情”,但过于执著的感情,其实不是生命的自然状态。



[Lee]: “I think so, because people want to, I think we called it. I was receiving a film award so I give a lot of credit to my fellow filmmakers but I think the other half of the job is the audience, I think they’re thirsty for such movies, yeah. It’s very encouraging year for me. It warms my heart and gives me more faith to live on naturally, not only as a filmmaker but as a resident.”



“Brokeback Mountain” won a total of four awards.





