








Oral question from Guido Tastenhoye to the Belgian Minister of Foreign affairs about a secret concentration camp for Falun Gong practitioners in China.


On the Dutch website of the Falun Gong movement we can read the following. Falun Gong, also known as Falun Dafa, is an ancient cultivation practice for refining the body and mind that originates in prehistoric China. It consists of physical exercises with slow and fluent movements and a meditation. An essential part of Falun Gong is the study of the universal principles of truthfulness, compassion and tolerance. In China, as well as in the rest of the world, millions of people practice Falun Gong.

In communist China the Falun Gong practitioners are persecuted in a horrible way, even children. There are many cases known of torture, imprisonment, rape and forced labor. The systematic persecution by the Chinese government has been started by former president Jiang Zemin in July 1999. In many countries legal complaints were filed against the genocide and torture of Falun Gong practitioners in China.

On Wednesday 8 March, the European Falun Gong Information Center received shocking detailed information from a journalist who had worked several years in China for overseas media. He got information about the existence of a concentration camp in the city of Shenyang in Liaoning province, specially built for imprisoning Falun Gong practitioners. This news came out shortly after the publication of the annual report from the U.S. Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the global human rights situation; in this report continuous and systematic mistreatment of Falun Gong in China is mentioned.

The information about the camp has been revealed through tape recording of a former member of the Chinese state security department. It is the first time news of the secret camp’s existence was disclosed to outsiders. The camp is said to hold over 6,000 Falun Gong adherents at any given time, and “nobody has yet to come out” from it alive. According to the source, the camp has its crematorium, and an unusually large number of doctors work there—reflecting the camp’s practice of killing prisoners for their organs, which are then sold for profit. Located in the Sujiatun district of Shenyang city, the camp, dubbed the Sujiatun Concentration Camp, is surrounded by walls three meters high, topped with electrified barbed wire. It is heavily fortified and said to be highly secret. Those held inside are Falun Gong practitioners from China’s three northeastern provinces as well as central China.

Therefore my question: Do the Belgian authorities have any knowledge about the systematic persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China and of the existence of the Sujiatun concentration camp; Will Belgium demand an international investigation, and what does Belgium do for upholding human rights in China?

Guido Tastenhoye

Member of Parliament(http://www.dajiyuan.com)