







二零零八年二月八日,我和其他十二名法轮功学员在中使馆对面和平抗议,呼吁中共停止迫害,不要继续制造难民,却遭到泰国特别警署(Special Branch Police)警察的抓捕,另有七名在皇宫附近给中国大陆游客派发法轮功真相资料的法轮功学员同时被抓,因为中共搞谎言宣传,对人民用欺骗的手段洗脑,害怕真相传播。我们都被以“缺少有效证件”为由,先后送往移民局监狱。随后的几天中,我和其他五位法轮功学员由于拒绝签字和交纳罚金而被送往司法部监狱,跟刑事犯人关在一起。










Dear Dear Honorable Judge:

My name is Jing Cai, and my United Nations Refugee ID is 20733. I was persecuted by the Chinese Communist regime for practicing Falun Dafa (Falun Gong) in China, along with five other Falun Gong practitioners. In order to escape from the systemic killing, detainment and illegal arrests by the Chinese Communist regime, we were forced to exile out of China. After overcoming countless hardships and going through many life-threatening situations, we finally arrived at Thailand, the country known for its custom and hospitality. We applied for political asylum at the United Nations agency here and waited for our next journey, either to be transferred to a third country or return to our homeland when the persecution ends in China.

Falun Dafa originated in China in 1992 and has been spread to more than eighty countries around the world since then. The book Zhuan Falun was translated and printed in dozens of different languages. Governments, officials and organizations all over the world issued numerous proclamations to Falun Dafa and its founder. Falun Dafa asks its practitioners to follow the principle of “Truth, Compassion and Forbearance”. Its spread around the globe has an immeasurable effect for maintaining order in society and improving people’s health and morality.

The Chinese Communist Regime started the persecution of Falun Gong on July 20, 1999. During the period of about nine years, almost 100 million Falun Gong practitioners have been persecuted. Hundreds of thousand of practitioners were sent to jails, labor camps and mental hospitals. More than three thousand were persecuted to death and tens of thousand became homeless. In addition, the inhumane organ harvesting from live Falun Gong practitioners is still being carried out today. The persecution is not only targeted at the Falun Gong practitioners in China, but also at all people who voluntarily believe in and follow the principle of “Truth, Compassion and Forbearance”. It is trying to destroy mankind’s faith in virtue, justice and conscience. For this very reason, Falun Gong practitioners in countries around the world actively disclose the truth of the persecution to the public and governments worldwide. However, in recent years, the Chinese Communist regime has extended its persecution of Falun Gong practitioners outside China through manipulation by its staff at the Chinese consulates or embassies in foreign countries. There have been several incidents where Falun Gong practitioners were arrested illegally in Thailand.

On February 8, 2008, I joined the peaceful protest in front of the Chinese embassy with twelve other Falun Gong practitioners. We called for and end to the persecution by the Chinese Communist regime and asked them not to make more refugees. However, we were arrested by the Special Branch Police in Thailand. In addition, seven other practitioners who were handing out truth-clarifying materials to tourists from China near the palace were also arrested at the same time. The Chinese Communist regime is afraid of the truth being spread out and thus launched its propaganda loaded with lies and brainwashed other people with deceiving means. We were sent to the jail of the Immigration Bureau on the charge of “lacking valid identification”. During the ensuing days, five other Falun Gong practitioners and I were sent to the jail of Judiciary branch because we refused to sign our signatures and turn in the fines. We were locked up with other criminal inmates.

Thailand is a free and democratic country that values peace and compassion. Falun Gong practitioners in Thailand did not violate any laws, nor did we infringe upon the interest of this country. The arrest from the Thailand police might have been a result of pressure from the Chinese Communist regime. This is another proof that the Chinese Communist regime is spreading its brutality and terror to overseas countries to interfere with Falun Gong practitioners righteous actions. It has persecuted Falun Gong continuously for nearly nine years. Countless tragedies occurred and the regime tried hard to block the information flow in order to sweep its sins under the carpet. The persecution made tens of millions practitioners’ families fall apart and countless people homeless. We lost the chance for education, lost our jobs, families, freedom and even lives. We had homes that could not be returned and family members that could not be united. We had no choice but to leave the country. However, for those Falun Gong practitioners who had passports, some had their passports confiscated, some were closely monitored and others were continually being harassed and asked to turn in their passports. Practitioners who did not already have a passport risked the chance of being arrested if they go apply for one. Because of the persecution, we became homeless and faced life-threatening situations. Because of the persecution, we lost the right to leave China through ordinary means. We had no choice but to escape from our country. Unfortunately, today the Chinese Communist regime is pressuring your respected police force to corner us into a difficult situation again, in the name of “lacking valid identification”. We had thought that by escaping from China we would be away from the persecution and nightmare, but reality tells us the persecution is still going on.

We lost everything through the persecution for holding onto the belief of “Truth, Compass and Forbearance”. The escape from our homeland is out of the innate longing for life and is a fundamental human right. I understand that law exists to safeguard fairness, justice and noble principles. Law is to protect the kind and punish the sinful. Nearly ten years after the history of human kind turned to the new millennium, Chinese Communist regime has carried out a massive persecution over a righteous belief system. It is indeed a persecution toward all kind-hearted people around the world, and overly undermines justice, principles, conscience and virtue valued by mankind. Therefore, it is the Chinese Communist regime that should be punished and not the kind people who held firmly to their belief when being persecuted to be homeless.

Take a simple example. A person who breaks into someone’s home for help because he is being chased after is different from a robber who breaks into someone’s home for robbery. Even if the way they “entered” other people’s home is the same, the motivation and purpose are entirely different. The former needs help while the latter should be punished. No law should separate the formality of “entering” the home from its motivation. Both factors should be considered in a case. The Chinese Communist regime snatched away the basic human rights of Falun Gong practitioners, including the right to follow the normal procedure to leave the country. At the same time, they brutally persecute these practitioners inside China. We had no chance in that society. That’s why we escaped from there and entered the territory of Thailand after many twists and turns. These are the prerequisites and preconditions for the United Nations Refugee Bureau to approve our refugee status. If we could follow a normal procedure to leave China, we would, because Falun Gong practitioners abide by the laws wherever we are. However, if we had that right, it would mean that our situation was not as dangerous and we probably would not choose to escape and in turn the United Nations would not have issued us the refugee status.

For reason stated above, your honor, we kindly ask you to withhold justice, discern the right from the wrong and follow the principle of fairness and justice of law. Please choose to follow your conscience and moral value and show the benevolence of people from the country of Buddhism. Please help rescue Falun Gong practitioners from danger, and allow us to leave this revered land without any financial burden or criminal charges. If you could, the heaven would be moved. May Gods and Buddhas bless Thailand! Wish you a wonderful future ahead!


Jing Cai

United Nation Refugee

February 21, 2008

