

【大紀元5月7日訊】4月20日,丹麥非政府組織「中國人權網絡」收到丹麥第二大黨社會民主黨歐盟議員丹。約恩森( Dan Joergensen)先生來信,表示對最近中國發生的活體摘取法輪功學員器官一事的極大焦慮。


布魯塞爾,2006年 4月20日





丹。約恩森 ( Dan Joergensen)(簽字)



Dan Jorgensen, Member of the European Parliament

Date: Bruxelles, the 20th April 2006

Dera Lisa

Thank you very much for the letter you sent on behalf of the “Network for Human Rights in China” to the. We very much appreciate to receive information from parties involved – None the least in a case so grave and outrageously as this.

The Danish Social Democrats of the European Parliament are closely watching the situation in China and are very much concerned about the Europe – China relationship. We think it is important to give the best possible support to the democratic movement in China and share with you to a very high degree your concern about the conditions for Falun Gong prisoners in China. The new terrible revelation about the concentrations camp in Sujiatun from the Chinese journalist confirm to the extreme degree, that China still has a very long way to go on the subject of Human Rights. It is a process that will take a long time , and therefore it is crucial that we from Danish and European side as well now build up a big pressure on the Chinese leaders.

Best Regards

Dan Jorgensen

The Danish Social Democrats of the European Parliament

ASP 11 G 116, Rue Wirtz, B-1047 Bruxelles, Belgium

Tel.: +32 (0) 2 284 5771(Bruxelles) – +33 (0) 3 88 175771(Strasbourg)

E-mail: djorgensen@europarl.eu.int
