














  ’One China’ is a myth

  History is often ironic. The Chinese Communists created a second China by establishing the People’s Republic of China, and now they demand the world recognize its “One China” myth. They tore apart the Republic of China in 1949, and now they codify their wrongdoings into an “anti-secession law” aimed at Taiwan.

  What’s worse than the irony is the ludicrousness of stating “Taiwan is part of the sacred territory of China,” as in the PRC consulate’s letter of March 20. Taiwan never has been a part of the People’s Republic of China. Taiwan has its own constitution, currency, elected government conducting independent foreign affairs and national defense policies, and all other criteria that are required of a sovereign state.

  The PRC consulate was talking barefaced nonsense. The Chinese authorities’ way to ensure a coercive annexation of Taiwan is the deployment of more than 700 ballistic missiles pointed at Taiwan. Imagine a rough guy waving a knife and yelling ”I want a peaceful unity“ to his neighbor. That is what Taiwan has been facing.

  China’s anti-secession law has international significance. Consider if the Taiwan Strait, an international channel for hundreds of daily commercial airplanes and ships, were to become an inland sea of China, how profoundly U.S. interests in the Western Pacific would be jeopardized. An imperiled Japan would re-militarize, and all the inevitable chain reactions would result in a manmade catastrophe greater than the tsunami of last December.

  The world should urge China’s party cadres and bellicose generals to stop misleading the Chinese people and start looking at Taiwan’s democratization in a right and healthy way.

  Daniel Chang, senior press officer,

  Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Chicago ◇(http://www.dajiyuan.com)