

China Milk Powder Update



1. crisis: n. 危机

2. flock: v. 蜂拥而至

3. infant: n. 婴儿

4. check-up: n. 检查

5. dairy: n. 乳品业

6. melamine: n. 三聚氰胺

7. illegal: a. 非法的

Anchor: An update on the Chinese milk powder crisis to tell you about. Crowds of Chinese parents are flocking to a Beijing hospital today, bringing their infants for free health check-ups. Here’s more on this developing story.


STORY: Nearly 10 percent of milk samples from the three top Chinese dairies contain melamine. The illegal chemical has killed four children and left thousands more ill in hospital.



8. passed away: v.phr. 过世

9. acute: a. 急性的

10. kidney: n. 肾脏

So far 6,244 children have become ill. Four have passed away and 158 are suffering acute kidney failure. According to Chinese Communist Party websites 86 babies are now ill in the northwest Xinjiang region as well. All this has parents extremely worried. 目前已有6244名儿童患病,4名去世,158名罹患急性肾功能衰竭。根据中共网站,西北新疆地区也有86名婴儿得病。凡此种种都让父母极们极为担心。

[Jin Yantoa, Son Fallen Ill]: “If he isn’t OK, they say that the treatment will be free. When he’s thoroughly checked we can leave.”



11. trick: v. 蒙骗

12. nationwide: a. 全国性的

13. carry out: v.phr. 进行

14. contamination: 污染

15. brand: n. 品牌

Adding melamine to milk can trick quality tests, making the protein count appear higher than its actual level. A nationwide check carried out this week found that melamine contamination in dairy products is far wider than one brand of baby milk.



16. suspect: v. 怀疑

17. tainted: adj. 污染的、有毒的

18. recover: v. 复原

19. in danger: phr. 处于危险中

20. admit: v. 承认

Shanxi Province mother Li Ligna, took her child to a local hospital for tests. She was advised to bring her child to Beijing for further tests after doctors suspected he’s suffering from an illness related to tainted milk powder.


[Li Ligna, Son Fallen Ill]: “Yes I am (worried). Because I’ve heard when they are ill it is really hard, and it takes a long time for them to recover. My child’s health is usually pretty good, but when I took him for a check-up in a local hospital we were told to come to Beijing the next day as his life was in danger.” 儿子患病的李妈妈说:“是啊,我很担心,因为我听说病患生病的时候很痛苦,而且要很久才会复原。我孩子一向很健康,但当我带他到当地医院做检查时,医生要我们第二天就到北京治疗,因为孩子已经有生命危险了。”

Chinese officials have admitted that city authorities in Shijiazhuang, where the Sanlu Group is based, delayed news of milk contamination for over a month. 中国官员已坦承,三鹿集团所在地石家庄当局,延误了一个多月才公布毒牛奶消息。

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