






“Let me just offer an advance warning to the old, big-spending, do-nothing, me-first-country-second crowd: Change is coming,” McCain said.

“You know, I’ve been called a maverick, someone who marches to the beat of his own drum,” McCain said. “ Sometimes it’s meant as a compliment and sometimes it’s not. What it really means is I understand who I work for. I don’t work for a party. I don’t work for a special interest. I don’t work for myself. I work for you.”

“I fight to restore the pride and principles of our party,” McMain said. “We were elected to change Washington, and we let Washington change us.”

“The constant partisan rancor that stops us from solving these problems isn’t a cause, it’s a symptom,” McCain said. “It’s what happens when people go to Washington to work for themselves and not you. Again and again, I’ve worked with members of both parties to fix problems that need to be fixed. That’s how I will govern as president.”

“I will reach out my hand to anyone to help me get this country moving again,” McCain said. “I have that record and the scars to prove it. Senator Obama does not.”

“I’m not running for president because I think I’m blessed with such personal greatness that history has anointed me to save our country in its hour of need,” McCain said. “My country saved me. My country saved me, and I cannot forget it. And I will fight for her for as long as I draw breath, so help me God.”

McCain said “I fought for the right strategy and more troops in Iraq, when it wasn’t a popular thing to do,” “And when the pundits said my campaign was finished, I said I’d rather lose an election than see my country lose a war”.

“I fell in love with my country when I was a prisoner in someone else’s,” McCain said. “I loved it not just for the many comforts of life here. I loved it for its decency; for its faith in the wisdom, justice and goodness of its people. I loved it because it was not just a place, but an idea, a cause worth fighting for. I was never the same again. I wasn’t my own man anymore. I was my country’s.”

“Stand up, stand up, stand up and fight,” McCain said at the end of his speech. “Nothing is inevitable here. We’re Americans, and we never give up. We never quit. We never hide from history. We make history.”

莎拉佩琳颇风趣幽默,Ms. Palin also displayed humor in one of her biggest lines of the night when she said that “the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull” was “lipstick.”

佩琳的加盟给共和党总统竞选产生了如电击般的奇效,令全球政界为之震惊,Ms. Palin’s appearance electrified a convention that has been consumed by questions of whether she was up to the job, as she launched slashing attacks on Mr. Obama’s claims of experience.

佩琳对她仅是小城市长因而缺乏政治行政管理经验的指责微笑自然地反唇相讥,“Before I became governor of the great state of Alaska, I was mayor of my hometown,” Ms. Palin told the delegates in a speech that sought to eviscerate Mr. Obama, as delegates waved signs that said “I love hockey moms.” “And since our opponents in this presidential election seem to look down on that experience, let me explain to them what the job involves. I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a ‘community organizer,’ except that you have actual responsibilities.” 因为欧巴马在其简历中称他曾是芝加哥南区的“community organizer。”

在听众的欢呼声中佩琳继续说道: “I might add that in small towns we don’t quite know what to make of a candidate who lavishes praise on working people when they are listening, and then talks about how bitterly they cling to their religion and guns when those people aren’t listening.”

佩琳给华盛顿政界吹来一阵清新的强风:“I’m not a member of the permanent political establishment,” “And I’ve learned quickly, these past few days, that if you’re not a member in good standing of the Washington elite, then some in the media consider a candidate unqualified for that reason alone. But here’s a little news flash for all those reporters and commentators: I’m not going to Washington to seek their good opinion; I’m going to Washington to serve the people of this country.”

朱利安尼高度评价佩琳的从政经验:“She already has more executive experience than the entire Democratic ticket,” 他接着指出,“Barack Obama has never led anything, nothing, nada,” 并对质疑佩琳因五个孩子而没有时间和精力作为副总统问津国事的指责进行还击: “How dare they question whether Sarah Palin has enough time to spend with her children and be vice president,” “How dare they do that? When do they ever ask a man that question?”




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这些恶意攻击影视短片皆在媒体中堂而皇之地出现,美国警察及FBI并不管更不存在删除封贴,因为政治公众人物得接受公众的批评监督。攻击希拉里者,可能来自欧巴马阵营至少是支持欧巴马的人,也可能是对克林顿夫妻双双入主白宫的可能性不满的人,因为天下好事岂能容汝一家人独占? 其中Bill and Hillary: their secret life和Bill and Hillary scandals high crime两个影视对希拉里进军白宫杀伤力最大。但无可否认的是,克林顿,希拉里是美国有史以来最杰出的一对总统夫妇。

其他候选人受到的攻击则屈指可数例如:有关朱利安宁Giuliani are liars. Giuliani gets exposed as fraud by firefighters. Giuliani caught lying again on David Letterhome. Giuliani dirty little secrets. 有关罗尼Romney buys election in Florida straw pad. Romney Hypocrisy on Iran Investments. Romney the fake conservative choice: 有关哈克比: Huckabee is evil.




