

Virgin Spaceship Completes First Solo Flight




A Virgin Galactic spaceship has completed its first solo test flight.


Called the VSS Enterprise, the world’s first commercial manned spaceship was carried to an altitude of 45,000 feet by an airplane, and then released to glide for 11 minutes before landing at the Mojave Air and Space Port.

名為VSS 企業號,世上第一架商用人為駕駛太空船,由飛機乘載至45,000英尺的高度,然後釋放,在莫哈韋航空航天港降落前滑翔11分鐘。

Sir Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group, described Saturday’s flight as a “big milestone“.


[Sir Richard Branson, Virgin Group Founder]:

“The big milestones in the spaceship program, and it couldn’t have gone better. The spaceship flew like a bird and the crew got out with big smiles on their face. So, I am absolutelydelighted.”



Branson expresses his desire for everyone in the world to be a part of the space travel project.


[Sir Richard Branson, Virgin Group Founder]:

“Obviously we want to involve everybody in the world in this wonderful project. And some people will be involved by taking them into space, but everybody can be involved by following it on the internet through Virgin Galactic.”



VSS Enterprise officials confirmed that all the flight’s objectives were successfully completed.

VSS 企業號官員證實,所有飛行目標都順利完成。

Space tourists will soon have the opportunity to book a trip on the Enterprise for 200,000 dollars.



1. galactic: adj. 銀河的、星系的

【英解】relating to the Galaxy or other galaxies

【例句】Intergalactic travel is space travel between galaxies. 星際旅行就是在星系間的太空旅行。

2. manned: adj. 由人駕駛的

【英解】describes a spacecraft, or a place where military guards work, that has no people present to operate or be in charge of it

3. altitude: n.高度

【英解】height above sea level

【例句】We are currently flying at an altitude of 15 000 metres.


4. release: v.釋放

【英解】to give freedom or free movement to someone or something

【例句】He was released from prison after serving two years of a five-year sentence. 他服完五年徒刑的兩年後,獲釋出獄。

5. glide: v. 滑翔

【英解】to move easily without stopping and without effort or noise

【例句】I love my new pen – it just glides over the paper.


6. milestone: n. 里程碑

【英解】an important event in the development or history of something or in someone’s life

【例句】 He felt that moving out from his parents’ home was a real milestone in his life. 他覺得搬出父母家,是人生中一個真正的里程碑。

7. delighted: adj. 高興的

【英解】very pleased

【例句】I was delighted at your news. 聽到你的消息,我很高興。

8. express: v. 表達

【英解】to show a feeling, opinion or fact

【例句】Words can’t express how happy I am.



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