




在整個宇宙間,最忠誠於「早睡早起」的,可能是除了貓頭鷹以外的所有鳥類。牠們 總是把這句格言當成日常生活所不可少的東西。


吱吱喳喳,啁啁啾啾,咕嚕咕嚕,咿咿呀呀,喵嗚喵嗚,嗚嗚哇哇,嘓嘓咯咯……牠 們鳴唱著,每一聲鳴唱都是一句樂音,珠一般圓,玉一般潤,高昂者有之,低沉者有 之,長音者有之,短音者有之,連續者有之,斷續者有之,或強勁,或柔和,或獨唱 ,或合唱,或齊唱,或輪唱……綜合起來,便渾然成為一大合唱。



大地的脈搏漸漸動起來了。看,那些花、草、樹木,惺忪的睡眼噙著淚珠,慢慢抬起 頭來了。看,那些昆蟲、禽類、獸類,從說夢中醒轉來,開始叫、走、跑、跳了。看 ,人們從房子裡走了出來,紛紛出發去做自己應分的工作。……

只要是晴天,每天一早,晨鳥便不停地鳴唱著,要唱走黑夜,唱來白天,在窗外,在 樹上,在田野……。

Singing the Morning Bird    Hsu ChiCheng

The morning birds are singing, outside the window, on the trees, on the field…

The morning birds are singing, want to sing the dark to go away, and sing the day to come…

In whole the universe, what the most to obey to “early to sleep and early to awake”, may be all the birds except owl. They always serve this motto as a daily work can not dispense with.

Just in fine day, as get up in the early morning, they will start to sing ceaselessly.

Chatter-chatter, squeak and chirp, coo-coo, creak-creak, mew-mew, hoot-hoot, guo-guo… they sing. It’s a music each voice they sing, round as pearl, smooth as jade, some are high, some are low, some are long, some are short, some are in succession, some are off and on, may strong, may soft, may solo, may chorus, may sing in unison, may round…is a great chorus while sum up.

They are singing…

Follows their sing, the dark of the night departs slowly, the bright day coming gradually after the sun’s rising slowly…

The blood pressure of the earth starts to move. Lo, those flowers, grasses and trees raise their heads with the tears within their eyes with sleepy eyes. Lo, those insects, birds, beasts, awake from the dream, start to cry, walk, run and jump. Lo, human being walk from their house, start all sorts to go to their work within their duty…

Just in fine day, as get up in the early morning every day, the morning birds are singing, want to sing the dark to go away, and sing the day to come, outside the window, on the trees, on the field …@
