


Hong Kong Residents Celebrate World Laughter Day




1. reverberate: [rɪˋvɝbə͵ret] n. 回响

2. chant : [tʃænt] n. 呼喊

3. participant: [pɑrˋtɪsəpənt] n. 参与者

4. equivalent: [ɪˋkwɪvələnt] adj.相等的

5. rowing: [ˋroɪŋ] n. 划船

6. aerobic: [eəˋrobɪk] adj. 有氧的

7. diaphragm: [ˋdaɪə͵fræm] n. 横隔膜

8. digestive : [dəˋdʒɛstɪv] adj. 消化的

9. parade : [pəˋred] n. 游行

On Sunday, the chants of “ho-ho-ha-ha-ha” reverberated across Hong Kong’s Victoria Harbour. About 200 people spent two hours laughing together.


They’re celebrating World Laughter Day, which falls on the first Sunday of every May. People in 70 countries around the world gathered together to celebrate the day.


Laughter Yoga was started in India 17 years ago when a doctor asked people to join him and laugh for no reason in a park.


This activity is now practiced by more than 6,000 social laughter clubs around the world.


[Dick Yu, Laughter Yoga Instructor]:

“Through the process of laughing, you can automatically perform breathing through your stomach. This means when you laugh, you are automatically doing the yoga way of breathing. So you don’t have to intentionally practice the so-called yoga way of breathing. Through the laughing movement, you can laugh in a more beautiful and happy way. So it’s very simple and easy, and everyone can design their own moves.”


Yu says participants can experience yoga breathing without having to do different poses. He runs seven classes every week.


Yu said laughing has many benefits.


[Dick Yu, Laughter Yoga Instructor]:

“Research has shown that laughing for one minute is equivalent to rowing for ten minutes, so it’s a very good aerobic exercise. When you laugh, you’re exercising your diaphragm, so it’s healthy for your digestive system. It can help you de-stress, so you will end up with less stress.”


The participants paraded along the Avenue of the Stars—attracting the attention of tourists and passers-by.


[Zhu Mei-Ching, Laughter Yoga Participant]:

“I’m very happy! We have a big crowd and we follow the teacher and go ‘ho-ho-ho!’ This is also healthy. My daughter also came here with me to join us. So I am very happy.”


It was May Lai’s first experience with Laughter Yoga.


[May Lai, Laughter Yoga Participant]:

“Before I began participating myself, I was affected by other people here and felt a bit happy. But after I tried it, now I feel very happy! Although I’m very tired, I want to do it again.”


After the parade, some people stayed back to participate in a longest-laughter competition.


