
【追查国际】 揭露前中共卫生部副部长黄洁夫关于器官移植的谎言




自2000年起,中共官媒和医院报导器官移植数量从每年不过百例猛增到每年上万例,而且供体充足、等待时间超短。 等等,器官移植反常暴增现象显示,自2000年开始在中国大陆出现数量巨大的,遍及中国各地的活体器官供体群,其出现的时间和规模与中共迫害法轮功的时间和严重程度相吻合。证据表明大量被非法关押的法轮功学员成了中共活体摘取器官的对象,才使中国器官移植数量逐年猛增。



英文版:http://www.upholdjustice.org /node/??(随后上网请查看)

World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong
邮信地址:P.O. Box 84, New York, NY 10116


WOIPFG releases new report:
“Investigative Report on the Chinese Regime’s Attempts to Conceal its Unethical Organ Procurement Practices”
April 23, 2014
This report contains analysis of statements by Huang Jiefu, China’s former Vice Minister of Health, and proves that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been using deceptive methods in an attempt to hide its crime of live organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners.
Since 2000, the CCP’s official media and hospitals across China started to report an explosive increase in the number of transplantations. Many transplant centers advertised online, claiming they had ample organs and very short waiting times, resulting in the number of transplantation peaked around 2005.
The unusual increase in transplantation numbers in China since 2000 implies that there is a large pool of live organ donors across China. The appearance of such a donor bank coincides with the CCP’s intensifying persecution of Falun Gong. Large numbers of detained Falun Gong practitioners became “organ donors.” An unknown, but very large number, of Falun Gong practitioners have been killed for their organs, resulting in the peak of China’s organ transplant numbers around 2005.
In 2006, when its crime of extracting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners was exposed, the CCP never explained the true source of organs, but voluntarily admitted using executed prisoners’ organs. While Huang Jiefu, positioning himself as China’s transplant authority and official spokesperson, has been issuing deceiving statements about the so-called organ donation system, transplant regulations, and organ black markets. All these are attempts to conceal the true source of organs.
The Chinese report can be found at http://www.zhuichaguoji.org/node/40336. The English report at http://www.upholdjustice.org/node/???

World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong
Telephone: 1-347-448-5790; Fax: 1-347-402-1444;
Mailing address: P.O. Box 84, New York, NY 10116

法国国会器官移植研讨会 医生揭中共强摘器官现象
悉尼国际器官移植会 专家谴责中共强取或活摘器官