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【大纪元2019年11月05日讯】从小在纽约市皇后区长大的川普总统近日感慨:“纽约不再!”身为纽约客(New Yorker),川普感到骄傲;而坐落在纽约市第五大道上的川普大楼(Trump Tower),更是他成就霸业中的经典。对于纽约,他贡献良多;但却因为政治理念不同,近年来,川普却未受到善意或合理的对待。


【译文】我爱纽约,但在目前州长古莫(Andrew Cuomo,犹如《教父》里的Fredo)或市长白思豪(Bill DeBlasio)的带领下,纽约可能不再伟大!古莫将检察官当作他的武器,来帮他完成一些台面下的工作(甚至帮他摆脱阻碍),这是有些人不想待在纽约的原因……




● under…leadership,在…的领导下
英解:while guided or managed by someone
例句:The company has done very well under her leadership.(在她的领导下,公司经营得很好。)
用法:leader是指领导人,他体现出是否具备领导能力(leadership action)或是属于领导阶层(leadership position)。

● current,形容词/ˈkʌrənt/当前的
英解:happening or existing now
例句:I wouldn’t work for them even if they paid me twice my current salary.(即使他们给我目前工资的两倍,我也不会为他们工作。)
用法:当名词时,有“水电气流”或“潮流”的意思。The fish swims with the current. (鱼群随着洋流移动。)
There is a major current of the public opinions in favour of restoring traditions.(恢复传统是主流民意。)

● weaponize,动词/ˈwep.ən.aɪz/将…变成武器
英解:to make it possible to use something to attack a person or group, especially in politics
例句:He hoped to weaponize the issue of healthcare as part of his election campaign.(他希望把医疗问题当作武器,以利他竞选活动的一部分。)
用法:weapon n. 武器。My umbrella will serve as a weapon.(我的雨伞将当作武器。)

● prosecutor,名词/ˈprɒsɪkjuːtə(r)/检察官
英解:a legal official who accuses someone of committing a crime, especially in a law court
例句:The defender argued down the prosecutor at the court.(辩护人在法庭上驳斥了检察官。)
用法:prosecution n. 被起诉。The prosecution n. 原告律师,This afternoon the prosecution will call its star witness.(今天下午原告律师将传唤重要证人。)

● keep…out of jam,动词词组,远离困难、困境
英解:away from being in a difficult situation
例句:How are we going to get ourselves out of this jam?(我们如何才能摆脱这个困境?)
用法:jam n. 果酱。英式俚语:jam tomorrow,甜美的未来(通常不会发生)。
The team members are tired of being promised jam tomorrow.(团队成员厌倦了总是被承诺美好的将来。)

● frack and drill,动词 /ˈfræk//drɪl/采集油或天然气的作法:frack为“水力压裂”,drill为“钻井”
英解:a method of getting oil or gas from the rock by making large cracks in it
例句:The company plans to frack and drill in some of the most beautiful protected lands.
用法:fracking 是 hydraulic fracturing(水力压裂法采油)的简称。

● disrespected,形容词/ˌdɪs.rɪˈspektɪd/被无礼的(对待)
英解:lack of respect
例句:I mean no disrespect to the team, but their performance was poor.(我没有不尊敬的意思,但他们的表现很差。)
用法:没有冒犯之意!(或是恕我冒昧…)英文可以说:No disrespect 或 No offense(美式拼写)/No offence(英式拼写)。

● dump,动词/dʌmp/乱倒(扔或丢)
英解:to put down or drop something in a careless way
例句:90 percent of American garbage(美式)/rubbish(英式)is dumped in landfill sites.(美国90%的垃圾倾倒在垃圾掩埋场。)
用法:dump n.垃圾场(堆),俚语:down in the dumps(在垃圾堆里,意指“情绪低落”心情糟透了!)
If you’re feeling down in the dumps, come over and have a chat.(如果你心情很糟,记得过来聊聊天。)

● have sb. back,动词词组,支持某人(站在同一阵线)
英解:to be ready to protect or defend someone
例句:Don’t worry. I will have your back.
用法:也可以说 Got your back!(我挺你!)有时口语上,也可简化成:I got you.
但一般 I got you (it).多用来表示“我懂了”,也就是 I see.
非正式拼写法或念法,也可写或说成:Gotcha = got ya = got you。

● flourish,动词/ˈflɝː.ɪʃ/蓬勃发展
英解:to grow or develop successfully
例句:My tomatoes are flourishing this summer. It must be the warm weather.
用法:flourishing adj. 繁荣的、蓬勃发展的。The economy is booming and small businesses are flourishing.(经济繁荣、中小企业蓬勃发展、欣欣向荣。)

● thrive,动词/θraɪv/兴旺
英解:to grow, develop, or be successful
例句:Children thrive when given plenty of love and attention.(孩子们在充满爱和关怀下,成长茁壮。)
用法:同义词有:flourish, prosper, succeed, blossom etc.

● Governor Andrew Cuomo(纽约州州长古莫,1957-)

ELMONT, NEW YORK - SEPTEMBER 23: New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo speaks at a groundbreaking ceremony for the New York Islanders hockey arena at Belmont Park on September 23, 2019 in Elmont, New York. The $1.3 billion facility, which will seat 19,000 and include shops, restaurants and a hotel, is expected to be completed in time for the 2021-2022 hockey season.  (Photo by Bruce Bennett/Getty Images)
纽约州洲长古莫(Andrew Cuomo)2019年9月23日,在纽约岛人队曲棍球场的开工典礼上演说。( Bruce Bennett/Getty Images)

● Mayor Bill De Blasio(纽约市市长白思豪,1961-)

NEW YORK, NY - SEPTEMBER 20: New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio speaks during a press conference held in front of Gracie Mansion on September 20, 2019 in New York City. De Blasio, standing alongside his wife Chirlane McCray, announced his decision to drop out of the 2020 U.S. presidential race. (Photo by Yana Paskova/Getty Images)
纽约市长白思豪(Bill de Blasio)2019年9月20日宣布,退出角逐民主党2020年总统大选提名。(Yana Paskova/Getty Images)


● Upstate New York(北纽约州地区,或称纽约上州)

北纽约州地区泛指哈德逊河谷(Hudson Valley)中上游、首府区(Capital District)、纽约北部(North Country)、纽约南部(Southern Tier)、莫霍克谷(Mohawk Valley)、纽约中部(Central New York)、五指湖(Finger Lakes)、纽约西部(Western New York)等。(资料来源:维基百科)


● 请问您对纽约的印象如何?有什么地方、事物是大家众所皆知的?为什么?
● 如果您有机会来趟纽约之旅,最想去做什么事、想去哪些地方、体验什么文化差异?
● 如果你曾经造访过纽约州或纽约市,试分享一则印象最深刻的回忆。

相关单字:image/impression n.(印象)、well-known adj. (众所皆知的)、unforgettable adj. (难忘的)


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